Tanner Byman
Class of 2016: Mechanical Engineering
“When Tanner is working he is always looking for ways to perform his job in the most productive manner possible."
Lower Columbia College is pleased to announce that Tanner C. Byman is the recipient of the 2016 Washington State University Vancouver Community College President's Award.
The WSU Vancouver Community College President's Award is a full tuition scholarship available through a competitive application process. The scholarship is open to all LCC Class of 2016 transfer students.
Tanner is pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering from WSU-V. Because the Mark Morris student began attending LCC as a junior through the Running Start Program, he will be able to finish his engineering degree three years after high school instead of four.
His goal is to enter the workforce with the intent of improving everyday products. Eventually Tanner would like to earn his Master's in Business Administration and move into management.
Tanner has been working at Cowlitz River Rigging for the past three years to earn money for books and tuition. Having come from a family of eight, it has been necessary for him to work about 20 hours a week. Balancing a job with rigorous studies in engineering and science has been a challenge, which Tanner has managed skillfully.
“Tanner is as hard working as they come. He is considered to be an asset to our company as he makes every hour of his work day to be highly productive. When Tanner is working he is always looking for ways to perform his job in the most productive manner possible. Tanner also works very well with others and all his fellow employees are impressed with his high level of productivity and knowledge for such a young man.”
— Scott Wallace, Vice President, Sales & Service, Cowlitz River Rigging Inc.
Volunteer activities for Tanner have included assisting with the regional Science Olympiad at LCC, participating in the Mark Morris Spanish Club, serving as a youth leader at his church, and participating in a number of other events and fundraisers.
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