Thinking about college? Begin with the end in mind! Study for the job you want, not the job you have.

Lower Columbia College (LCC) offers over 90 program options in eight career pathways.

Need to go directly to work?

LCC's certificate and AAS degree options might be best for you. We now offer a variety of applied bachelor's degree programs for our professional/technical students as well.

Plan to transfer to a university before starting your career?

Check out our multiple transfer options including AA/DTA and AS-T options.

Career/Job Market Data

Select one of our pathways below to view specific market data and information regarding your career path interest including: average salaries, job postings, employment trends, top occupations by income, and more.

Contact Web Team

 Cassondra Rosales, Web Marketing & Communications Coordinator

Contact Cassondra for assistance with web content.

 Gavin Montes, Web Technology Manager

Contact Gavin for assistance with the website.

 Wendy Hall, Vice President of Effectiveness & College Relations

Contact Wendy for departmental level inquiries.