Policy 4.01 - General Executive Constraints

The President shall not cause or allow any practice, activity, decision, or organizational circumstance that is illegal, imprudent, or in violation of our College core values; commonly accepted business and professional ethics; and contractual agreements.

Accordingly, the President may not:

  1. Deal with students, staff, or persons from the community in an inhumane, unfair, or undignified manner.
  2. Permit financial conditions that risk fiscal jeopardy or compromise Mission and Objectives.
  3. Provide information and advice to the Board that is untimely, incomplete, or in accurate.
  4. Permit conflict of interest in awarding purchases or other contracts or hiring of employees.
  5. Allow the day-to-day operations to impede the vision or prevent the achievement of the Mission and Objectives of the institution.
  6. Manage the College without adequate administrative policies for matters involving finances, staff, students, facilities, and College services.
  7. Manage the College without utilizing appropriate shared governance.

Historic Information

  • Revised: October 18, 2023
  • Reviewed: February 19, 2003
  • Reviewed: September 1, 1999

Contact the President's Office

General Inquiries

  Hannah Palenske

  (360) 442-2100

Institutional Assistance

  Wendy Hall

  (360) 442-2491

Visit Our Office

  Administration Building (ADM)

  Mon - Fri: 8 am - 5 pm
Closed on Fridays during summer session