CTE Dual Credit is a partnership between college and high school instructors designed to guide local students into high-skill, high-wage careers with local industries.
High school students can earn dual credit at both their high school, and at Lower Columbia College, without leaving high school or doing additional homework!
Dual credit applies to career and technical education (CTE) courses, which then transfer to college programs.
Credits earned at Lower Columbia College will transfer to any Washington State two-year institution or college, and some* four-year colleges.
*Please consult with your four-year college advisor to see how your credits might transfer.
Why take CTE Dual Credit classes?
- CTE Dual Credit students save time and tuition dollars by getting a head start on fulfilling college degree or certificate requirements.
- On average, students earn 11 credits while in high school - saving them upwards of $1,425!
- CTE Dual Credit students complete courses that help prepare them for career opportunities beyond high school.
- CTE Dual Credit students learn skills to be productive in the world of work.
- CTE Dual Credit students take college courses while attending classes on their high school campus.
How to Utilize your Free CTE College Credits!
High school students enrolled in CTE dual credit courses at their high schools are eligible for FREE college credit through LCC. Click your high school link below to see what courses are available to you.
Students will need to request to transfer CTE dual credits by emailing an unofficial high school transcript via the form below. Parents, school administrators, and teachers cannot request credit review on behalf of students.
How to Get Started
- Talk with your school counselor to find out if your school has eligible classes.
- Earn a B or better grade in your class(es)
- Apply to LCC (this is FREE!)
- Complete the CTE Dual Credit Requests form or send your unofficial transcripts to ctedualcredits@lowercolumbia.edu
Please allow 3-5 weeks for processing and longer during peak registration times. Lower Columbia College awards college credit based on the high school articulation agreement in place during the year that the student completed the courses with a grade of “B” or higher.
Pathways available at LCC:
Articulation agreements are signed and reviewed annually. The life of an agreement is subject to LCC course content, programs, and instructors, and high school instructor changes. For specific information regarding renewals, please submit questions to Michaela (pronounced Michelle) at mjackson@lowercolumbia.edu
Step 1: Review the CTE Dual Credit Course Menu
Select the course(s) that most closely align with the course(s) that you teach.
Review the outcomes of the course(s) you would like to articulate to determine the feasibility of offering your course(s) for dual credit.
Design your syllabus, Program of Study, and Frameworks, with the outcomes and performance standards and assessments clearly referenced.
Step 2: Complete the CTE Articulation Request Packet (Application)
The instructor should complete the CTE Articulation Request Packet for each course requested and submit the application with attached materials no later than March 31st. The following will be requested in the packet:
- High School Course Syllabus (Printable Matrix), including:
- Course Title
- Instructor Name
- High School Name
- Course Description and Outcomes/Competencies
- Prerequisites
- Relevant Curriculum Details (showing alignment with college course)
- Methods of Assessment (Projects - Portfolios - Skill Demonstrations)
- Requested LCC Course Title
- CTE Dual Credit Notice (This course is CTE Dual Credit approved and articulated with Lower Columbia College. Students who demonstrate proficiency in the college course competencies by receiving a B or better grade for EACH semester enrolled in the articulated high school class, may earn college credit through the College CTE Dual Credit program. Only students who meet deadlines and eligibility requirements will be awarded college credit. Participation in the CTE Dual Credit program is voluntary. Complete the CTE Dual Credit Request form (available on lowercolumbia.edu/cte) or send your unofficial transcripts to ctedualcredit@lowercolumbia.edu. Credit and/or grades will not be removed once they have been transcribed.)
- OSPI CTE Curriculum Framework (Instructions)
- Desired College Course Title and Course Number for articulation (from CTE Menu in step 1)
- Program of Study: Click "Programs of Study" drop down to see samples and templates
- Class Schedule
- Signature of Instructor (instructor will need to provide CTE Director Email following signature)
- Signature of CTE Director
Step 3: Articulation Finalization
LCC's CTE representative, faculty chair, and dean of the appropriate pathway, will review submitted packet information, and approved packets will be signed.
If approval is not provided, our CTE representative will connect with additional information.
Step 4: Classroom Visit
The CTE Dual Credit Program Coordinator will communicate with high school teachers/administrators to schedule classroom visits to present information about LCC, CTE Dual Credits, and how students are able to have the credits applied to their official LCC transcript. High school teachers/staff/administrators can also complete the CTE Classroom Visits form to schedule a classroom visit.
Current List of Participating High Schools/Districts
- Cowlitz & Wahkiakum County Schools
- Castle Rock High School
- Kelso High School
- Kalama High School
- Mark Morris High School
- RA Long High School
- Toutle Lake High School
- Wahkiakum High School
- Woodland High School
- Clark County Schools
- Columbia River
- Fort Vancouver
- Hockinson High School
- Hudson’s Bay
- Skyview
- Vancouver Home Connections
- Vancouver School of Art and Academics
- Vancouver VLA
- Battle Ground High School
- Evergreen School District
- La Center High School
- Ridgefield High School
- Vancouver Public Schools
- Washougal High School
- Oregon & Southwest Washington
- Clatskanie High School , OR
- Rainier High School, OR
- Ilwaco High School, WA
- Toledo High School, WA
- Onalaska High School, WA
Contact Career and Technical Education (CTE)
Office hours may vary due to activities. Please call or email for an appointment. Walk-ins are welcome during regular business hours.