Meet Bud Black
His story is the stuff of dreams for any kid who has pulled on a glove and picked
up a baseball... Read the full story of Bud Black, click the link above.

Meet Doug and Alice Dietz
“LCC staff advocated for us and helped us go on to a four-year school,” Alice said.
She said LCC will always be a special part of their lives.... Read Alice and Dougs
Full story by clicking the link above.

Meet Dr. Kayleigh Short
"Dr. Short said the experience of being part of the school’s athletic and academic
community was life changing..." Read Kayleigh's full story by clicking the link above.

Meet Jason Schmidt
As a kid, former major league pitcher Jason Schmidt rode his bike to elementary
school along a path that took him through the campus of Lower Columbia College and
its iconic baseball diamond, Story Field.... Read Jason Schmidts full profile by clicking
the link above.

Meet Ray and Elizabeth Cattin
Ray and Elizabeth Cattin didn’t have a connection to LCC when career moves brought
them to Cowlitz County, but both became ardent supporters and advocates for the college
by seeing how well it serves the community... Read their full profile by clicking
the link above.

Don Johnson
Swing shift starts mid-afternoon and ends around midnight, which leaves a few precious
hours to sleep before morning college classes begin. That was Don Johnson’s schedule
as a Lower Columbia College student and newlywed in the early 1960s. Read Don's full
profile by clicking the link above...

Dr. P.J. Peterson
Peterson remains connected to LCC, having served on the Foundation Board of Directors
and as a financial contributor. She does not hesitate to recommend it as an excellent
place to learn and grow. Read PJ's full profile story by clicking the link above...

Meet Susan Rice
Rice, who attended Lower Columbia College in the early 1970s, is a stand-up comic
who, at age 31, joined a handful of women who wisecracked their way into comedy clubs
as they became popular in the 1980s. Read Susan's full profile by clicking the link

Meet Emme McCarthy
As a mental health professional, Emme McCarthy can appreciate the challenge of
overcoming self-imposed barriers to success. As a former student, she can look upon
her experience at Lower Columbia College as an example of how to navigate around mental
obstacles — while thoroughly enjoying the journey. To read Emme's full story click
on the link above...

Meet Kenny Merre
The powerful windstorm that swept along the Oregon and Washington coast in December
2007 is remembered as The Great Coastal Gale. Kenny Merrell remembers it as the start
of life-changing events that led him to enroll at Lower Columbia College at age 40.
To read Kenny's full story click on the link above...

Meet Jon trussell
Trussell said he wasn’t focused on a particular field of study at first, so he
explored a variety of classes and discovered an interest in the study of human behavior,
which led him to the University of Washington and a degree in psychology. The brothers’
different education choices highlight the many options students can find
at LCC. To read Jon's full story click on the link above...
at LCC. To read Jon's full story click on the link above...
Contact the Lower Columbia College Foundation
We look forward to hearing from you! Make an appointment by calling (360) 442-2130. Walk-ins welcome during regular business hours. The Foundation is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your gifts are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.
Donor Relations
Kendra Sprague, Vice President of
Foundation, HR & Legal Affairs
(360) 442-2121
General Inquiries
(360) 442-2130
Fax: (360) 442-2129
Donor Relations & Major Gifts
Sheila Burgin, Foundation Director of Development & Major Gifts
(360) 442-2132
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Emilee Bollibon, Foundation Development Associate
(360) 442-2136
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