Navigate is designed to help our new students get off to a great start at LCC. The tool will help guide students through their first steps while keeping them connected with our college support staff.
Retrieve your Navigate Username and password
This is the same login as your LCC student email.
Log in to Navigate on your computer or download the mobile app
Click the login link below for the desktop version, or search "Navigate Student" on your mobile device's app store.
Log in and complete the Navigate Intake Survey
The first thing you'll see when you log into Navigate is the Intake Survey. This survey is designed to provide you with the best student experience. Select the options that best fit your situation.

Access and complete your To-Do items
It's time to get started with your first steps at LCC! Once you complete the Intake Survey, you can access your To-Do list from Navigate's dashboard. These To-Dos will walk you through all of your first steps as an LCC student. Make sure you check them off as you complete them!
Navigate Student Dashboard
Navigate To-Do items
Let us know if you need any help along the way!
Contact the Navigate Team
For general questions or feedback about Navigate, please email the team at
Angel Ruvalcaba/Director of Testing and Student Success Technology
Dani Trimble/Director of Workforce Programs