Campus Hours
LCC campus is open during Spring Break with normal business hours Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Some Campus services may be closed (Red Devils Cafe, Library, Fitness Center)
The English Directed Self-Placement (DSP) can now be taken online!
Students who do not have access to a desktop computer may still take the English DSP on campus in the Testing Center. No appointment needed.
Curious to see what your English Pathway will look like at LCC? Learn more here:
About Directed Self-Placement (DSP)
The DSP is a 20-30 minute questionnaire that helps students determine the best English course for their academic path. The questionnaire guides students through videos, charts, reading and writing samples, and asks them to reflect on their prior experience in regards to academic reading and writing. The DSP also provides students with institutional expectations to help them make an informed decision about their English course placement. In short, through information and reflection, the student ultimately decides which English course they want to be placed in.
The DSP is untimed and ungraded. It should be taken on a desktop computer.
No. The DSP does not require students to study beforehand.
However, students are strongly encouraged to study for the Math placement test. Math study materials available here.
Yes. The DSP is only for English placement. Students who wish to take a math class at LCC still need to take the Math placement test.
Students who plan to take an English course at Lower Columbia College need to take the DSP. Exclusions include students who:
- Have earned English credit through LCC, another institution, or credit for prior learning exam like CLEP, DANTES, etc.
- Tested at another college, and provide the testing office with valid test scores.
- Are recent Washington State High School graduates and provide the testing office with valid Smarter Balanced test scores.
- Are transitioning from LCC's English Adult Basic Ed courses and meet the required grade criteria.
Although some students may not be required to go through the DSP, it still provides them with helpful information about what to expect in English 101.
If you have a documented disability or would like assistance in taking the English DSP, please contact Disability and Access Services (360) 442-2340.