See also
- Degree Requirements for Accounting, Business and Leadership programs
- Course descriptions in the LCC Catalog
- Distribution lists in the LCC Catalog
Important: Many course sequences only begin in fall quarter. Check with your program advisor.
First Quarter
- BUS 100: Foundations of Business Success (3 credits)
- COLL 101: College Success 101 (2 credits)
- BUS 104: Business Math Applications (5 credits)
- BUS 100 or concurrent enrollment, MATH 078/079 or TECH 078/079 with a grade of C or better or instructor permission*
- ACCT 101: Intro to Accounting Concepts (5 credits)
- BUS 100, MATH 079 or TECH 079 or higher with a grade of C or better or instructor permission. Concurrent requirement: BUS 100 if not previously taken*
*Pre- and/or co-requisite(s)
Second Quarter
- CS 110: Introduction to Microcomputer Applications (3 credits)
- Ability to use a keyboard*
- ENGL& 101: English Composition I or BUS 119: Business Communications (5 credits)
- ENGL& 101: college level reading and writing skills or completion of ENGL 099 (was ENGL 100) or TECH 105 with a grade of C or better*
- BUS 119: ENGL 099 (was ENGL 100) or TECH 105 with a grade of C or better or placement test into ENGL& 101*
- BUS 144: Management of Human Relations: DIV (5 credits)
*Pre- and/or co-requisite(s)
Third Quarter
- ACCT 150: Payroll Accounting (5 credits)
- BUS 104 or higher and ACCT 101 or instructor permission*
- BUS 150: Customer Service Management (5 credits)
- BTEC 131: Intro to Spreadsheets (5 credits)
- BTEC 104 or CS 110, and BUS 104 or MATH 88 or MATH 97, with a C or higher, or instructor permission*
*Pre- and/or co-requisite(s)
Fourth Quarter
- Choose one:
- BUS& 101: Intro to Business (5 credits)
- ECON& 201: Microeconomics (5 credits)
- MATH 088 or TECH 088 or BUS 104 (was BSAD 104) and ENGL& 101 or BUS 190 (was BSAD 190)*
- ECON 105: Intro to Economics (5 credits)
- BTEC 130: Electronic Calculators (1 credit)
- Choose one Natural Science/Humanities elective (5 credits)
*Pre- and/or co-requisite(s)
Fifth Quarter
- ACCT& 201: Principles of Accounting I (5 credits)
- BUS 104, MATH 088 or TECH 088 with a grade of C or higher or instructor permission*
- ACCT 241: Intro to QuickBooks (5 credits)
- ACCT 101 or ACCT& 201 and CS 110 or CS 111, or instructor permission*
- ACCT 244: Individual Income Taxation (5 credits)
- MATH 078/079 or TECH 078/079*
*Pre- and/or co-requisite(s)
Sixth Quarter
- ACCT& 202: Principles of Accounting II (5 credits)
- ACCT& 201 (was ACCT 231) with a grade of C or better and BUS 104 with a grade of C or better or MATH& 125 or higher; Co-requisite: MATH& 125 or higher*
- ACCT 288: Cooperative Education (4 credits)
- Instructor or Cooperative Education Coordinator permission Concurrent requirements: COLL 289 or BTEC 294 or BUS 294 or IT 294 must be taken prior to or concurrent with this course*
- BUS& 201: Business Law (5 credits)
- ENGL& 101 OR BUS 119, or equivalent, with a grade of C or better, or instructor permission*
- COLL 289: Cooperative Education Seminar (1 credit)
*Pre- and/or co-requisite(s)
Seventh Quarter
- ACCT& 203: Principles of Accounting III (5 credits)
- ACCT& 201 (was ACCT 231) with a grade of C or better and basic spreadsheet skills*
- ACCT 275: Accounting Tech Capstone (5 credits)
- ACCT 150, ACCT& 201 and ACCT 241 or instructor permission*
- BTEC 135: Advanced Data Analysis (5 credits)
- BTEC 131 (was CS 121) with a grade of C or better, or instructor permission*
1. Foundations of Business Success
BUS 100 (3 credits)
2. College Success 101
COLL 101 (2 credits)
3. Business Math Applications
BUS 104 (5 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): BUS 100 or concurrent enrollment, MATH 078/079 or TECH
078/079 with a grade of C or better or instructor permission
4. Intro to Accounting Concepts
ACCT 101 (5 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): BUS 100, MATH 079 or TECH 079 or higher with a grade
of C or better or instructor permission. Concurrent requirement: BUS 100 if not previously
5. Introduction to Microcomputer Applications
CS 110 (3 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): Ability to use a keyboard
6. Business Communications or English Composition I
BUS 119 or ENGL& 101 (5 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): For ENGL& 101 - college level reading and writing skills or completion of ENGL 099 (was
ENGL 100) or TECH 105 with a grade of C or better; for BUS 119 - ENGL 099 (was ENGL 100) or TECH 105 with a grade of C or better or placement
test into ENGL& 101
7. Management of Human Relations
BUS 144 (5 credits)
8. Payroll Accounting
ACCT 150 (5 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): BUS 104 or higher and ACCT 101 or instructor permission
9. Customer Service Management
BUS 150 (5 credits)
10. Intro to Spreadsheets
BTEC 131 (5 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): BTEC 104 or CS 110, and BUS 104 or MATH 88 or MATH 97, with a C or higher, or instructor
11. Intro to Business or Microeconomics or Intro to Economics
BUS 101 or ECON& 201 or ECON 102 (5 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): For BUS& 201 - ENGL& 101 OR BUS 119, or equivalent, with
a grade of C or better, or instructor permission; and for ECON& 201 - MATH 088 or
TECH 088 or BUS 104 (was BSAD 104) and ENGL& 101 or BUS 190 (was BSAD 190)
12. Electronic Calculators
BTEC 130 (1 credit)
13. Humanities / Natural Science elective
Choose one Humanities / Natural Science course (5 credits)
14. Principles of Accounting I
ACCT& 201 (5 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): BUS 104, MATH 088 or TECH 088 with a grade of C or higher
or instructor permission
15. Intro to QuickBooks
ACCT 241 (5 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): ACCT 101 or ACCT& 201 and CS 110 or CS 111, or instructor
16. Individual Income Taxation
ACCT 244 (5 credits)
Pre- and co-requisite(s): MATH 078/079 or TECH 078/079
17. Principles of Accounting II
ACCT& 202 (5 credits)
Pre- and co-requisite(s): ACCT& 201 (was ACCT 231) with a grade of C or better and
BUS 104 with a grade of C or better or MATH& 125 or higher; Co-requisite: MATH& 125
or higher
18. Cooperative Education
ACCT 288 (4 credits)
Pre- and co-requisite(s): Instructor or Cooperative Education Coordinator permission Concurrent requirements:
COLL 289 or BTEC 294 or BUS 294 or IT 294 must be taken prior to or concurrent with
this course
19. Business Law
BUS 201 (5 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): ENGL& 101 OR BUS 119, or equivalent, with a grade of
C or better, or instructor permission
20. Cooperative Education Seminar
COLL 289 (1 credit)
21. Principles of Accounting III
ACCT& 203 (5 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): ACCT& 201 (was ACCT 231) with a grade of C or better
and basic spreadsheet skills
22. Accounting Tech Capstone
ACCT 275 (5 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): ACCT 150, ACCT& 201 and ACCT 241 or instructor permission
23. Advanced Data Analysis
BTEC 135 (5 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): BTEC 131 (was CS 121) with a grade of C or better, or instructor permission
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