This chart is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all acceptable coursework. Transfer credits are not guaranteed until all official transcripts are reviewed and an official Transcript Evaluation is completed. Acceptable transfer courses must meet content and minimum credit requirements (5 credits for each course listed below). 

If the course or college is not listed below, request a Transcript Evaluation. 

Need additional assistance? Contact Registration and Advising:

LCC Nursing Program, 360-442-2860,


Contact Nursing Programs

We are located on the second floor of the Health & Science Building. Stop by during regular office hours, or call (360) 442-2860 to make an appointment.

Healthcare Program Inquiries

  Health & Science Building, 2nd floor
   (360) 442-2860
Fax: (360) 442-2879

Nursing Program Inquiries

  Bev Ylen, Program Coordinator
  (360) 442-2860

Nursing Advising

  Alé Sanchez, Health Careers Specialist
  Rebekah Villanti, Career Pathways Advisor
  (360) 442-2328

Other Inquiries

For a full list of nursing faculty and staff, please see our Faculty & Staff page.