Engineering Technician

Certificate of Proficiency (COP)

Engineering Technician

About the Program

An engineering technician provides technical support to an engineer, and may work in the fields of mechanical, industrial, civil, electrical, aerospace, computer, or environmental engineering. They assist engineers with research and development, computer aided drafting, quality control or design. They may also work alongside scientists or as quality assurance inspectors. Engineering technicians need the ability to work well on a team, and have strong analytical and problem-solving skills. In this program students learn to use math and science skills to assist engineers with creating products, improving manufacturing methods and maintaining assembly systems.

For a roadmap that identifies the preferred sequencing of courses and other specific recommendations from faculty, please see the corresponding program map(s):

Certificate Requirements

Total credits required to earn this certificate: 53

LCC students must meet distribution requirements for associate degrees and specific certificates. See Diversity and Distribution Lists for more information.

General Education Requirements

Program Requirements

Course Code Course Title Number of Credits
BLPT 160
Machinists Blueprint Reading OR
Blueprint Reading for Welders
BTEC 131 Introduction to Spreadsheets 5
CS 110 Intro to Microcomputer Apps 3
COLL 289 Employment Portfolio Seminar 1
HLTH 105 First  Aid, CPR and Bloodborne Pathogens 1
ENGR& 121 Engineering Graphics I 3
ENGR& 122 Engineering Graphics II 3
ENGR& 123 Engineering Graphics III 3
MFG 105 Industrial Safety 3
MFG 130 Materials Science 5
MFG 230 Computer Integrated Manufacturing 4
MFG 288 Cooperative Work Experience 2*

*MFG 299 Independent Study may be substituted for MFG 288 with faculty program advisor permission.

Program Outcomes

Students completing this program should acquire the following skills and abilities:

  • Communicate professionally in writing and speaking as appropriate to an industrial technology work environment (GS).
  • Apply objective, valid methods of inquiry and problem solving to draw rational, ethical, and coherent conclusions (GS).
  • Apply mathematical information to perform tasks in industrial technology (GS).
  • Interact effectively with individuals and groups (GS).
  • Display work appropriate behavior including positive attitude, timeliness and teamwork.
  • Apply industry standard safety and hazardous material handling guidelines.
  • Apply knowledge of computer programs to create professional, academic, or business documents following current industry standards.
  • Interpret blueprints, diagrams and schematics associated with various manufacturing processes.
  • Apply knowledge of properties of industrial influence and the selection of primary materials and conversion into useful products.
  • Demonstrate competency in manual drafting and engineering graphics software.


Revised March 2021 (effective Fall 2021)

Program planning is based on information available at the time of preparation. It is the student’s responsibility to meet with their LCC advisor. Consult the LCC catalog for LCC graduation requirements.

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