Classes at LCC

Classes at LCC

What are my class options?

Running Start offers the same class options as our other students. As a Running Start student, you may choose from a full range of courses as long as they are college-level (numbered 100 and above), and meet the qualifying criteria. You can attend classes:

  • Traditional, in class (also called face-to-face).
  • Online.
  • Hybrid, online and in class.
  • Full-Time.
  • Part time.

LCC offers classes in a traditional setting as well as online. Online classes require strong time management skills, and are generally not advised in your first quarter unless you have experience in an online setting. 

At some rural area high schools, LCC has study centers with computers inside your high school where you can work on your homework and your LCC online classes. It gives you the option to stay on your high school campus and access high speed internet without making the commute to Longview, so you have more time to do extra-curricular activities.

What are classes like at Lower Columbia College?

Classes at LCC are different than at the high school. College courses typically move at a faster pace and are more demanding of your time and attention. To manage your time and to be more accountable, students should plan to study independently at least two hours outside of class for each hour an LCC class meets.

It is recommended that you only take 100 level classes during your first year at LCC. Most Running Start students need Political Science 202 (American Government) and 203 (International Relations) to meet high school graduation requirements. These are sophomore level classes and you must have completed English 101 before you can take these classes.

There is no indicator on a class roster that identifies you as a Running Start student. LCC instructors expect all students to act responsibly and complete the required work independently. 

Class participation is important for your success and in most cases it will constitute a part of your grade. It is unlikely that you will be successful if you do not attend on a regular basis; missing only a couple classes could lower your grade in that class. 

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