Adelina Delao
Class of 2016
Standing at a crossroads in her life, Adelina took the brave step of enrolling in the Career Education Options (CEO) program at Lower Columbia College.
From the very start, Adelina Delao faced incredible odds for overcoming the drug addicted world into which she was born. She received little nurturing as a child, and was regularly neglected in addition to serving as a pawn in a protracted custody battle.
Due to her mother's battles with addiction, Adelina and her brother were frequently left home alone without any food, running water or electricity. Although she was very young, hunger drove Adelina to beg for food at a convenience store near her home. At one point, she and her younger sibling were even abandoned at a local meth house.
Forced by her circumstances to focus on survival, Adelina's educational progress fell behind. She was placed in many special classes to help with reading and math at school, but life was a constant struggle. She bounced between relatives' homes, and even attended three different middle schools one year.
Standing at a crossroads in her life, Adelina took the brave step of enrolling in the Career Education Options (CEO) program at Lower Columbia College. The program, designed for students ages 16 to 21 who are behind in credits, don't have a high school diploma, and have conditions that interfere with success in the traditional high school setting, was a perfect fit for her.
Adelina began to excel in the program immediately. With support from former CEO Director Tuan Dang, Director Heidi Patrick and other program faculty and staff, Adelina soon received her diploma (well ahead of schedule).
Spurred on by her success in CEO, Adelina immediately began an associate degree program at LCC. She continued to excel in her studies, and shortly before receiving her associate degree in June 2016 was named the Outstanding Art Student of the Year by LCC faculty.
Adelina was accepted as a transfer student at The Evergreen State College in Olympia and began her studies there in fall 2016. Her future plans include continuing on to a master's degree program, and finding a rewarding career that will allow her to help others find their way out of the darkness.
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