Ginny Albright

Ginny Albright

Class 0f 2016: Medical Assistant

Fighting for my children was more important than building my career,

Once her youngest child turned 18, 46 year old Ginny Albright made the decision to return to school and start improving her life. 

Ginny started attending Lower Columbia College in 1988, but due to a divorce and a custody battle for her children, she was unable to complete her degree. She had to work two jobs to take care of her three children, leaving her no time for herself.

Albright made the decision to return to school after her youngest child turned 18. This meant quitting her part time caregiver job and ultimately losing her full time job as well.

It’s bad enough not buying Christmas presents, but not paying your rent or your bills...”

— Ginny Albright

LCC's foundation created a Student Success Fund to help students in need to reach their education goals.

Ginny has completed her prerequisites and will soon be a licensed medical assistant. Her dedication to getting her degree and building her career has taught her children to value education and to work hard to follow their own dreams. 

This has been a rough journey but exciting. … I want to travel. I want to go places. You can’t do that working two jobs... It’s amazing having people invest in me. When you’re always the caregiver, it’s nice to get (help) back.

— Ginny Albright

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Student Stories Contact:

 Wendy Hall, Vice President, Effectiveness & College Relations, Lower Columbia College

  (360) 442-2491