UPDATED on April 12, 2018

Summary: Icons are universally recognizable symbols that add interest to your page content. Icons are accessible via Gadgets/Snippets. Select 'Icons' from the 'All Snippets' drop down.

Not all of the icons featured below are in accessible via Gadgets/Snippets/Icons, just the ones we use most frequently. However, you can tailor an icon to display any of the symbols below. Just add an available icon to your page. Then access the *html and replace the icon name. Example: replace 'note', with 'flashlight' to display that icon.

*Icon management requires access to (and basic understanding of) html code. Contact your Web Coordinator if you need this.

Icons take on the p or h tag that surrounds them. For example, using them inside an H2 or H3 tag will make them larger.

Main Icons

Social Icons