Image of exterior of Gym & Fitness Center
Image of student holding free weights in gym
Image of students in Yoga class
Image of students using exercise bicycles

The renovated Myklebust Gymnasium features a gym; fitness center; classroom space for dance, yoga, health and continuing education classes; community spaces; coaching offices, locker rooms, a study lounge and a juice bar.

Learn more about the Gym & Fitness Center

Students led the effort to renovate the Gym & Fitness Center through a fee of $2.50 per credit in tuition. The project was completed in 2014. It supports the current and future instructional needs of the college, brings the entire facility into ADA compliance, and doubles the space available for athletic activities, health-related classes and activities and other uses.

In the News

Classes & Programs in this Building Include:

Red Devil Athletics

Home to the Red Devil athletic teams!

Physical Education

Pilates, Cross Training, Basketball and other PE classes are taught here.

Continuing Education

Yoga, Zumba and other continuing education courses are taught here.

Building Features

First Floor

Second Floor

  • Elevator for access
  • Two classrooms with viewing windows to gym area below
  • Dance studio/classroom
  • Office space allowing for supervision
  • Space for community events and continuing education classes
  • Glenn Andrew study lounge

Also included

  • LEED certified
  • New gym floor completed Summer 2011

Buildings & Facilities Contacts

Plant Operations

  Richard Hamilton, Director, Campus Services

  (360) 442-2263


  Wendy Hall, Vice President, Effectiveness & College Relations

  (360) 442-2491


  Alyssa Milano-Hightower, Director of Enterprise Services

  (360) 442-2511