Train for a new career or prepare for employment with help from BFET.

Opportunities for education and career development for low income students who qualify for, or who receive, basic food benefits.

In a partnership with Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS), Lower Columbia College offers opportunities for education and career development to low income-students who qualify to receive, or are currently receiving, federally issued basic food benefits.

BFET can help You!

  • Access college
  • Train for a new career
  • Prepare for employment
  • Maintain basic food benefits

While BFET does not provide tuition assistance to students at this time, students may qualify for other assistance such as child care. BFET allows students who are receiving federally issued basic food benefits to continue receiving those benefits while attending school.

You may be eligible if:

  • You are enrolled in an ELL, GED, IBEST or any two-year degree or certificate program
  • You are a US citizen, refugee or immigrant (US resident five years or more)
  • You are not receiving WorkFirst
  • You are low income (refer to table)
  • You are receiving, or are eligible to receive Basic Food Benefits through the federal program


You can apply for BFET along with any other Workforce Education program using the Universal Application procedure below:

Low Income Table

Number of people in household Max. gross monthly income
1 $2,127
2 $2,873
3 $3,620
4 $4,367
5 $5,113
6 $5,860
7 $6,607
8 $7,354
Each additional Add $747


After You Finish Applying

  BFET recipients should complete these activities, in the order listed after applying.

Maintain Your Benefits

  BFET recipients are required to participate in career-related activities each month.

Choose from the following career-related activities, after completing the steps above.

Contact BFET

Make an appointment to meet with a BFET Coordinator through the Career Center by calling (360) 442-2330. Walk-ins welcome during regular business hours.

  Career Services in Admissions Center

  (360) 442-2330

  Ariana Muro, Assistant Director of WorkForce Services

  (360) 442-2332

  Heidi Hamer, BFET Program Coordinator

  (360) 442-2333