Upcoming Closure
Testing and Proctoring Center will be closed on March 12th, from 11 AM - 1 PM for a Team Meeting

We look forward to serving you! The Testing Center is conveniently located in the Main Building (MAN) 128. All testing must be scheduled in advance. If you need accommodations for a disability, please see Disability and Access Services or call (360) 442-2340.
In-Person Testing and Placement Drop-In Hours
Testing center hours are subject to change. Please check back for occasional updates on scheduled closures.
In-person proctoring: Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm
Placement Drop-In: Monday - Friday 8am - 3pm
Remote Zoom Hours and Placement Drop-In Hours
Monday - Thursday: 10am - 2pm
Online Scheduling
To schedule your placement exam online, click the button below.
Under 'Choose a group', select 'LCC PLacement Assessment'.