See also
- Degree Requirements for Arts, Communication and Humanities programs
- Course descriptions in the LCC Catalog
- Distribution lists in the LCC Catalog
Important: Many course sequences only begin in fall quarter. Check with your program advisor.
First Quarter
- COLL 101: College Success 101 (2 credits)
- MATH& 107: Math in Society (5 credits)
- MATH 098/099 or TECH 098/099 or MATH 087/097 with a grade of C or higher (or test in)*
- DRMA 106: Intro to Beginning Acting (5 credits)
- Choose one or more Humanities Courses (3-5 credits total)
- MUSC 121: Concert Choir (2 credits)
- MUSC 145: Beginning Voice (2 credits)
- HUM 107: How to See a Play (1 credit)
- HUM 106: Community Conversations (1 credit)
*Pre- and/or co-requisite(s)
Second Quarter
- ENGL& 101: English Composition I (5 credits)
- DRMA 107: Intro to Acting II (5 credits)
- Choose one Social Science course (5 credits)
- ANTH& 206: Cultural Anthropology (+DIV)
- POLS& 101: Introduction to Political Science
- PSYC& 100: General Psychology
- SOC& 101: Introduction to Sociology (+DIV)
Third Quarter
- ENG& 102: English Composition II (5 credits)
- ENGL& 101*
- Choose one Drama course (5 credits)
- DRMA 118: Stage Crafts
- DRMA 108: Beginning Acting III
- Choose one Natural Science course (5 credits)
- ANTH& 205: Biological Anthropology
- NUTR& 101: Nutrition
- GEOL& 208: Geology of the Pacific Northwest (w/lab)
*Pre- and/or co-requisite(s)
Fourth Quarter
- DRMA& 101: Introduction to Theatre (5 Humanities credits)
- Choose one Natural Science course (5 credits)
- ASTR& 101: Intro to Astronomy
- ENVS&100: Survey of Environmental Science
- NUTR& 101: Nutrition
- GEOL& 101: Intro to Physical Geology (w/lab)
- Choose one Humanities Course/Elective:
- ART 131: Graphic Design (5 credits)
- DRMA 116: Stage Crafts (5 credits)
- DRMA 206: Acting (5 credits)
- DRMA 196: Rehearsal and Performance (5 credits)
Fifth Quarter
- Choose one Social Science course (5 credits)
- ANTH& 206: Cultural Anthropology (+DIV)
- PSYC& 100: General Psychology
- SOC& 101: Introduction to Sociology (+DIV)
- CMST 230: Small Group Communication (5 credits)
- Choose one Elective (5 credits)
- DRMA 118: Stage Crafts
- DRMA 207: Acting II
- DRMA 197: Rehearsal and Performance
Sixth Quarter
- DRMA 147: Audition Techniques (2 credits)
- Choose one Natural Science course (5 credits)
- ANTH& 205: Biological Anthropology
- NUTR& 101: Nutrition
- GEOL& 208: Geology of the Pacific Northwest (w/lab)
- Choose one Social Science course (5 credits)
- POLS& 101: Introduction to Political Science
- PSYC& 100: General Psychology
- SOC& 101: Introduction to Sociology (+DIV)
- DRMA 298: Rehearsal and Performance (3 credits)
1. College Success 101
COLL 101 (2 credits)
2. Math in Society
MATH& 107 (5 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): MATH 098/099 or TECH 098/099 or MATH 087/097 with a grade
of C or higher (or test in)
3. Intro to Beginning Acting
DRMA 106 (5 credits)
4. Humanities Course/s
Choose one or more Humanities Courses (3-5 credits total)
- MUSC 121: Concert Choir (2 credits)
- MUSC 145: Beginning Voice (2 credits)
- HUM 107: How to See a Play (1 credit)
- HUM 106: Community Conversations (1 credit)
5. English Composition I
ENGL& 101 (5 credits)
6. Intro to Acting II
DRMA 107 (5 credits)
7. Social Science Course
Choose one Social Science course (5 credits)
- ANTH& 206: Cultural Anthropology (+DIV)
- POLS& 101: Introduction to Political Science
- PSYC& 100: General Psychology
- SOC& 101: Introduction to Sociology (+DIV)
8. English Composition II
ENGL& 102 (5 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): ENGL& 101
9. Drama Course
Choose one Drama course (5 credits)
- DRMA 118: Stage Crafts
- DRMA 108: Beginning Acting III
10. Natural Science Course
Choose one Natural Science course (5 credits)
- ANTH& 205: Biological Anthropology
- NUTR& 101: Nutrition
- GEOL& 208: Geology of the Pacific Northwest (w/lab)
11. Introduction to Theatre
DRMA& 101 (5 credits)
12. Natural Science Course
Choose one Natural Science course (5 credits)
- ASTR& 101: Intro to Astronomy
- ENVS&100 Survey of Environmental Science
- NUTR& 101: Nutrition
- GEOL& 101: Intro to Physical Geology (w/lab)
13. Humanities/Elective Course
Choose one Humanities Course/Elective:
- ART 131: Graphic Design (5 credits)
- DRMA 116: Stage Crafts (5 credits)
- DRMA 206: Acting (5 credits)
- DRMA 196: Rehearsal and Performance (5 credits)
14. Social Science Course
Choose one Social Science course (5 credits)
- ANTH& 206: Cultural Anthropology (+DIV)
- PSYC& 100: General Psychology
- SOC& 101: Introduction to Sociology (+DIV)
15. Small Group Communication
CMST& 230 (5 credits)
16. Drama Course
Choose one (5 credits)
- DRMA 118: Stage Crafts
- DRMA 207: Acting II
- DRMA 197: Rehearsal and Performance
17. Audition Techniques
DRMA 147 (2 credits)
18. Natural Science Course
Choose one Natural Science course (5 credits)
- ANTH& 205: Biological Anthropology
- NUTR& 101: Nutrition
- GEOL& 208: Geology of the Pacific Northwest (w/lab)
19. Social Science Course
Choose one Social Science course (5 credits)
- POLS& 101: Introduction to Political Science
- PSYC& 100: General Psychology
- SOC& 101: Introduction to Sociology (+DIV)
20. Rehearsal and Performance
DRMA 298 (3 credits)
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