See also
- Degree Requirements for Health Sciences and Wellness programs
- Course descriptions in the LCC Catalog
- Distribution lists in the LCC Catalog
Important: Many course sequences only begin in fall quarter. Check with your program advisor.
First Quarter (Program Prerequisites)
Review Clinical Requirements for Nursing
Review Nursing Program Admission Requirements
- COLL 101: College Success 101 (2 credits)
- BIOL& 160: General Biology with Lab (5 credits)
- MATH& 146: Elements of Statistics (5 credits)
- MATH 099 or MATH 097 with C or better or appropriate placement test score*
*Pre- and/or co-requisite(s)
Second Quarter (Program Prerequisites - Fall)
- BIOL& 241: Human Anatomy & Physiology I (5 credits)
- BIOL& 160 with C or better*
- CHEM& 121: Introduction to Chemistry (5 credits)
- CHEM& 100, CHEM& 110 or 1 year high school chemistry*
- PSYC& 100: General Psychology (5 credits)
*Pre- and/or co-requisite(s)
Third Quarter (Program Prerequisites - Winter)
- BIOL& 242: Human Anatomy & Physiology II (5 credits)
- BIOL& 241 with C or better*
- PSYC& 200: Lifespan Psychology (5 credits)
- PSYC& 100 or instructor permission*
- ENGL& 101: English Composition I (5 credits)
- Placement, or ENGL& 99 with C or better*
*Pre- and/or co-requisite(s)
Fourth Quarter (Program Prerequisites - Spring)
- NUTR& 101: Nutrition (5 credits)
- ENGL& 102: Composition II or CMST& 220: Public Speaking (5 credits)
- ENGL& 101 with C or better*
- May be taken prior to nursing program admission
- BIOL& 260: Microbiology (5 credits)
- BIOL& 160 or 211 with C or better or instructor permission*
*Pre- and/or co-requisite(s)
Apply for admission to nursing program
Fifth Quarter (First Cohort Quarter of Nursing Program - Fall)
- NURS 242: Nursing throughout the Lifespan (5 credits)
- Admission to the nursing program*
- HUM 255: Ethics & Policy in Healthcare (5 credits)
- Admission to the nursing program*
- Choose one course from the Humanities (HUM) distribution list (5 credits)
- May be taken prior to nursing program admission
*Pre- and/or co-requisite(s)
Sixth Quarter (Second Cohort Quarter of Nursing Program - Winter)
- NURS 244: Physiological Health I (5 credits)
- NURS 242 with C or better *
- PSYC 255: Psychosocial Issues in Healthcare (5 credits)
- Admission to the nursing program*
*Pre- and/or co-requisite(s)
Seventh Quarter (Third Cohort Quarter of Nursing Program - Spring)
- NURS 245: Physiological Health II (5 credits)
- NURS 244 with C or better*
- NURS 246: Skills Laboratory (2 credits)
- NURS 242 with C or better, concurrent enrollment in NURS 245*
- Choose one course from the diversity distribution list (5 credits)
- May be taken prior to nursing program admission
*Pre- and/or co-requisite(s)
Eighth Quarter (Fourth Cohort Quarter of Nursing Program - Summer)
- NURS 247: Clinical Practicum (8 credits)
- NURS 246 with passing grade*
- NURS 248: Advanced Clinical Practicum (5 credits)
- NURS 246 with passing grade, concurrent enrollment in NURS 247*
*Pre- and/or co-requisite(s)
1. College Success 101
COLL 101 (2 credits)
2. General Biology with Lab
BIOL& 160 (5 credits)
3. Elements of Statistics
MATH& 146 (5 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): MATH 099 or MATH 097 with C or better or appropriate
placement test score
4. Human Anatomy & Physiology I
BIOL& 241 (5 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): BIOL& 160 with C or better
5. Introduction to Chemistry
CHEM& 121 (5 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): CHEM& 100, CHEM& 110 or 1 year high school chemistry
6. General Psychology
PSYC& 100 (5 credits)
7. Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BIOL& 242 (5 credits)
Pre- and co-requisite(s): BIOL& 241 with C or better
8. Lifespan Psychology
PSYC& 200 (5 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): PSYC& 100 or instructor permission
9. English Composition I
ENGL& 101 (5 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): Placement, or ENGL& 99 with C or better
10. Nutrition
NUTR& 101 (5 credits)
11. English Composition II or Public Speaking
ENGL& 102 or CMST& 220 (5 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): ENGL& 101 with C or better
May be taken prior to nursing program admission
12. Microbiology
BIOL& 260 (5 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): BIOL& 160 or 211 with C or better or instructor permission
13. Nursing throughout the Lifespan
NURS 242 (5 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): Admission to the nursing program
14. Ethics & Policy in Healthcare
HUM 255 (5 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): Admission to the nursing program
15. Humanities Course
Choose one Humanities (HUM) course from the distribution list (5 credits)
May be taken prior to nursing program admission
16. Physiological Health I
NURS 244 (5 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): NURS 242 with C
17. Psychosocial Issues in Healthcare
PSYC 255 (5 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): Admission to the nursing program
18. Physiological Health II
NURS 245 (5 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): NURS 244 with C or better
19. Skills Laboratory
NURS 246 (2 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): NURS 242 with C or better, concurrent enrollment in NURS
20. Humanities - Diversity Course
Choose one Humanities - Diversity (HUM:DIV) course from the distribution list (5 credits)
May be taken prior to nursing program admission
21. Clinical Practicum
NURS 247 (8 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): NURS 246 with passing grade
22. Advanced Clinical Practicum
NURS 248 (5 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): NURS 246 with passing grade, concurrent enrollment in
NURS 247
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