Policy 310 - Grading Policy

Lower Columbia College’s grading system provides a method to indicate a student’s performance and achievement in a variety of skills and programs. The system provides for a permanent record of grade evaluations, which reflect successful course and program completion. The College operates on a quarter system. The quarter hour of credit equals one unit of instruction.

Instructors shall distribute a written course grading plan to all enrolled students at the beginning of each quarter.  Instructors are not obligated to use grading options, such as + or – in any specific course.

Grades at Lower Columbia College are reported in numerical fractions to the nearest tenth. The numerical grades are based on the letter grade system and general equivalents are as follows:

Numeric Grade Letter Grade Equivalent
4.0 A
3.7 A-
3.3 B+
3.0 B
2.7 B-
2.3 C+
2.0 C
1.7 C-
1.3 D+
1.0 D
0.0 F
n/a I
n/a N
n/a P
n/a W

Grade Symbols:

  • I (Incomplete): Excluded from GPA/no credit. Incomplete grades may be issued only to those students whose work to date is passing, but not completed, at the end of the quarter. An instructor may submit a replacement grade up to one year from the date an incomplete grade was issued.
  • N (Audit): Excluded from GPA/no credit. A student may enroll for no credit in any course as an auditor upon registration and payment of the regular fees. During the course of a quarter, a student may also change to audit status observing all of the required procedures for a change of registration. Auditors are exempt from taking examinations but may participate in course work.
  • Passing or Failing
    • P = Excluded from GPA. Credit awarded for satisfactory completion equivalent to a passing grade. Satisfactory grade is defined as "D letter grade or higher.
    • F = 0.0 grade points for failing a course.
  • W (Withdrawal): Excluded from GPA/no credit. Students may initiate an official withdrawal prior to the last day to withdraw as published in the quarterly class schedule. Official withdrawals are the sole responsibility and prerogative of the student and must be initiated by the student.

310.1 Academic Standing

These standards are used to identify students who experience academic difficulty and to provide additional support and assistance to improve academic standing. The policy also determines academic suspension in cases where students are unable to achieve satisfactory performance. 

Students must earn a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher in the courses required for a degree or certificate in order to earn a credential at Lower Columbia College. Students must also maintain a quarterly GPA of 2.0 or higher each quarter. Students who fall below this minimum quarterly GPA will be alerted at the end of the quarter regarding their academic standing. As necessary, additional information about resources and support for improving academic standing will be provided. If a student is academically suspended, they will receive information about academic reinstatement.

  • Good Standing: Quarterly GPA above 2.0
  • Academic Concern: First quarter of a quarterly GPA below 2.0 
  • Academic Notice: Second consecutive quarterly GPA below 2.0 
  • Academic Suspension: Third consecutive quarterly GPA below 2.0 

Students not in good academic standing may be required by the college to enroll in College Success or other courses as determined by the college to assist with academic success.

Students on academic suspension shall not be allowed to enroll in credit-bearing courses at the college for two consecutive quarters. Students who are academically suspended must petition for reinstatement to the Vice President of Student Services at least six weeks prior to the quarter the student is eligible to re-enter the college. Students returning from academic suspension who earn a quarterly GPA above 2.0 will return to good standing. Students returning from academic suspension who earn a quarterly GPA below 2.0 will return to academic suspension and must follow the academic standing policy to request reinstatement. 

NOTE: Individual college programs and services, including but not limited to high school completion, financial aid, veteran programs, College and Career Preparation, Running Start, and certain professional/technical programs may have different academic stan­dard requirements and appeal procedures. Students in these programs should contact their program advisor or specific department for information regarding those requirements.

Historic Information

  • Approved: April 11, 2023
  • Reviewed by the Executive Leadership Team: April 11, 2023
  • Campus Review: March 28-April 11, 2023
  • Reviewed by UMCC: March 21, 2023
  • Reviewed by the Governance Council: March 1, 2023
  • Reviewed by the Executive Leadership Team: February 22, 2023
  • Reviewed by the Executive Leadership Team: March 4, 2020
  • Reviewed by the Executive Leadership Team per SBCTC Policy: June 29, 2016
  • Revised by the Leadership Team: November 30, 2015
  • Approved by the Leadership Team: November 25, 2013
  • Approved: February 23, 2009
  • Approved: July, 1989 
  • Replaces Policies 403-403.4


Resource/Reference/Procedure Title Unit Responsibility
LCC Catalog   VP Instruction
Academic Standards Committee Guidelines   VP Student Services

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  Hannah Palenske

  (360) 442-2100

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  Wendy Hall

  (360) 442-2491

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