Policy 464 - Tuition and Fee Waiver: State Employees
Policy 464 - Tuition and Fee Waiver: State Employees

Under the Employee Tuition and Fee Waiver Law (RCW 28B.15.558), Lower Columbia College is authorized to and may waive all tuition and fees for eligible employees taking courses at Lower Columbia College. The employees shall pay the registration fee established by the board of Trustees. Such enrollment shall be on a space-available basis.

Additionally, Lower Columbia College shall offer a tuition and fee waiver program to eligible state employees. Enrollment shall be on a space-available basis and shall be subject to procedures established by the College. 

Historic Information

  • Reviewed by ELT: November, 2008
  • Campus Review: February 1-22, 2009
  • ADOPTED: February 23, 2009
  • (Replaces policy 307.2 adopted 10/89 and policy 307.3 adopted 9/90)
  • Reviewed by ELT: March 10, 2021
  • Reviewed by UMCC: March 16, 2021
  • Reviewed by Governance Council: April 7, 2021
  • Campus Review: April 13-27, 2021
  • Approved by ELT: April 28, 2021


Resource/Reference/Procedure Title Unit Responsibility
RCW 28B.15.558 Waiver of tuition and fees for state employees and educational employees VP Student Services Registrar
LCC Faculty Contract   VP of Foundation, HR and Legal Affairs
LCC Classified Employee Contract   VP of Foundation, HR and Legal Affairs
LCC Administrative and Exempt Handbook   VP of Foundation, HR and Legal Affairs
LCC Tuition Waiver LCC Tuition Waiver Form  VP of Foundation, HR and Legal Affairs
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