Policy 540 - Travel
Policy 540 - Travel

Lower Columbia College shall have an effective system for the management and control of travel related costs to ensure that travel related costs are directly related to College business; obtained at the most economical price; and critical and necessary for LCC business.

Historic Information

  • Reviewed by Executive Leadership Team - August 31, 2020 (requires further review)
  • Approved - February 23, 2009
  • Campus Review - February 1-22, 2009


Resource/Reference/Procedure Title Unit Responsibility
Washington Administrative and Accounting Manual (SAAM)   VP Administration/Director of Finance
Procedure 540.1A TRAVEL:
  • Prior Approval
  • Travel Advance
  • Travel Expense Voucher
  • Motor Pool
  • Airline Reservations
  VP Administration/Director of Finance
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