Policy 605 - Facilities Use
Policy 605 - Facilities Use

Lower Columbia College will provide for the use of district facilities over and above scheduled educational use to faculty, staff, and community groups and individuals, provided that the purpose of such use is in keeping with the best interests of the college and the public interest. Such use shall be subject to all state laws, rules, policies of the Board of Trustees, and to administrative procedures. Refer to WAC 132M-139 and WAC 132M-141.

Historic Information

  • Reviewed by Executive Leadership Team - August 31, 2020
  • Approved - February 23, 2009
  • Campus Review - February 1-22, 2009
  • Reviewed by the Cabinet and Leadership Team - November 2008
  • Replaces policy 801 approved - September 1999


Resource/Reference/Procedure Title Unit Responsibility
WAC 132M-139 Use of Facilities – Expressive Activities. VP of Administration
WAC 132M-141 Facility rental and Use Fees  
Guidelines for use of Facilities for Expressive Activities    
Procedure 605.1A  Campus Posting Procedure  
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