Campus Hours
Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
A smarter workforce makes smarter business. Let Lower Columbia College help you find the right person for your job.
ACT WorkKeys
In partnership with ACT, LCC offers the WorkKeys job skills assessment system that helps employers select, hire, train, develop, and retrain a high-performance workforce.
Complete this form to request a copy of ACT WorkKeys scores:
WorkKeys offers a complete solution for employee selection and development.
Our powerful solution includes both foundational and soft skills, enabling assessment of the full potential of applicants and employees. The tools in this comprehensive system can be mixed and matched to meet diverse organizational needs. Our job analysis solutions allow for the establishment of organizational guidelines and benchmarks for employee selection and development.
From screening, selection, training, development, and succession planning, employers can use ACT WorkKeys assessments at every stage of the employment cycle.
WorkKeys helps job seekers prepare for education, training, or a career.
Because test questions are based on situations in the everyday work world, WorkKeys scores help job seekers compare their skills to the skills real jobs require. These scores help employers choose the most qualified candidates for their jobs.
Successful completion of WorkKeys assessments in Applied Mathematics, Locating Information, and Reading for Information can lead to earning ACT's National Career Readiness Certificate(NCRC), a portable credential earned by more than 1 million people across the United States.
More about ACT National Career Readiness Certificate
Skills Assessments and Costs
Assessment Testing is done in the Testing Center. Click links for more information about the test and related information.
National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC)
Applied Math
Measures critical thinking, mathematical reasoning, and problem solving techniques for situations that actually occur in today's workplace.
Graphic Literacy (formerly called Locating Information)
Measures skills that individuals use when they read and comprehend graphical materials to solve work-related problems.
Workplace Documents (formerly called Reading for Information)
Measures skills that individuals use when they read real workplace documents and use that information to make job-related decisions and solve problems.
Please complete this financial assistance application below, and our testing center will reach out to you within 1-3 business days.
Community Partners
The Lower Columbia College Testing Center administers employment exams for various employers in the Southwest Washington region including, but not limited to:
Testers: Please select the employer you are interested in testing for to see more information, including practice materials, time limit, etc. for the exams offered.
Employers: If you are interested in using the Lower Columbia College Testing Center for potential employees, please contact (360) 442-2360 or email to get in contact with our support staff.
Currently offered exams for hiring purposes:
We frequently proctor new exams and are well-versed in exams to measure specific attributes or skills. If none of the exams above seem applicable to your inquiry, please contact us to explore other options.
Contact the Testing Center
We look forward to serving you! The Testing Center is conveniently located in Main (MAN) 128. Appointments are required for all exams aside from LCC Placement Testing. If you need accommodations please contact Disability and Access Services, (360) 442-2340.
Kaitlin Sexton/Testing Center Manager
Main 128 (Testing Center)
(360) 442-2361
Esmeralda Flores/Program Assistant
Main 128 (Testing Center)
(360) 442-2360