Policy 101 - Definition of Governance

Governance shapes and directs the life of the College, ensuring that all activities help carry out the college's mission. This system includes making recommendations, developing operational policies and regulations and determining priorities. Governance is the system by which all constituents can be involved in meeting those responsibilities. All members of the Lower Columbia College community have opportunities for involvement in college governance. The governance system maximizes collegiality and participation while acknowledging established responsibility and authority.

Governance, then, is defined as a participatory system in which every member of the College community can influence decisions regarding operational policies and priorities and thus help provide direction for the College. For governance to function effectively, it is vital that the authority and responsibilities of each individual and group be clearly defined and well understood.

101.1 LCC Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is the legally constituted authority for the operation of Lower Columbia College. The Board is responsible for all aspects of the College, including mission and goals, selection of a chief executive officer, policy, and finance. The Board delegates authority to the President and receives recommendations from the President in conducting much of its business. The Board of Trustees of Lower Columbia College has adopted a policy governance approach to leadership that encompasses the following areas:

101.11 Outcomes

  • Mission
  • Vision
  • Values

101.12 Governance Process

  • Governance Commitment
  • Governing Style
  • Board Job Description
  • Chair's Role
  • Board Planning and Agenda
  • Board Committee Principles
  • Board Members' Code of Conduct
  • Board Bylaws

101.13 Board - Staff Relationship

  • Delegation to the President
  • President's Job Description
  • Monitoring Presidential Performance

101.14 Executive Limitations

  • General Executive Constraints
  • Treatment of People
  • Compensation and Benefits
  • Budgeting/Forecasting
  • Financial Condition
  • Asset Protection
  • Communication and Counsel to the Board

101.2 Administration

The President leads college administration. The President delegates authority to other administrators, including the Vice Presidents, Deans and Directors.

101.3 Faculty

The role of the faculty is key to the College's effort to carry out its fundamental mission: To ensure the educational success of students. Faculty performs that role not only in classroom and laboratory instruction, but also in curriculum development, conferences with students and other activities. In governance activity, Faculty assist, with their insight and expertise, in the formulation of college policies and priorities. (In accordance with Standard 2 of the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities [NWCCU]).

101.4 Classified and Exempt Staff

Classified and Exempt staff have key roles in the college. They provide a variety of support services affecting all aspects of the College's operational and educational activities. With their insight and expertise, Classified and Exempt staff participate in governance and assist in the formulation of college policies and priorities in which these constituencies have a direct and reasonable interest. (In accordance with Standard 2A of the NWCCU).

101.5 Students

Students are the reason we exist. We value student participation, input and expertise in the governance process. ASLCC and numerous other councils and committees provide opportunities for students to participate through membership or by bringing proposals and ideas. Students are encouraged to participate in the governance process (In accordance with Standard 2A of the NWCCU).

101.6 Bargaining Units

Bargaining units at LCC represent their members regarding salaries, benefits and working conditions. In an effort to strengthen communication and cooperation, these units have significant representation roles in Governance Council and the Union Management Communication Committee and the details of these are evident in current contracts. (In accordance with the NWCCU Collective Bargaining Policy and Standard 2A).

101.7 Governing Councils

College-wide representation responsibilities are assigned to the Governance Council for Faculty issues, the Union Management Communication Committee for Classified Staff issues and the Associated Students of LCC for student issues. These councils do not address day-to-day functional responsibilities addressed under Decision-Making (Section 100.8), or Bargaining Units (Section 100.6).

101.8 Decision Making

Other councils and committees, of necessity, carry on the day-to-day functional responsibilities of the College and consult as required with governing councils and administration. There is an attempt to make decisions at the lowest possible level with input from appropriate constituents to insure timely and efficient delivery of services to students. Each committee is responsible for maintaining their rules of operational procedures and standards in consultation with the governing councils and administration.

Every year, the committees publish a list of membership and are responsible to maintain appropriate minutes and documentation in compliance with state rules and regulations where applicable.

Historic Information

  • Approved: August 24, 2022
  • Campus Review: June 1-14, 2022
  • Reviewed by UMCC: May 17, 2022
  • Reviewed by the Governance Council: May 4, 2022
  • Reviewed by the Executive Leadership Team: April 20, 2022
  • Approved: April 1, 2019
  • Approved: February 23, 2009
  • Campus Review: February, 2009
  • Reviewed by the Executive Leadership Team: 2008
  • Adopted: April 2005 (Replaced Sections 100-200 Revised February 1997)


Resource/Reference/Procedure Title Unit Responsibility
Procedure 101.1A Governance and Administration Decision-Making Councils and Committees President's Office
NWCCU Standards Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities  Accreditation Liaison Officer
Board Policies LCC Board of Trustees Policies President's Office

Contact the President's Office

General Inquiries

  Hannah Palenske

  (360) 442-2100

Institutional Assistance

  Wendy Hall

  (360) 442-2491

Visit Our Office

  Administration Building (ADM)

  Mon - Fri: 8 am - 5 pm
Closed on Fridays during summer session