General Questions
BAS degrees are designed to build on Associate degrees that provide workplace skills. BAS degrees build on a practical career training degree and provide a path to the baccalaureate level without requiring the student to earn another two-year degree. LCC's program will prepare teacher candidates with content and subject knowledge required in PreK-8th grade classrooms, while integrating an in-depth residency experience. Completion of the program will result in the award of the Bachelor of Applied Science in Teacher Education.
In Washington, educators must obtain a Washington certificate in order to serve in
the public schools. The residency certificate enables the holder to teach in endorsed
subject areas. Certificates are issued by the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
(OSPI). Washington issues the Residency Teacher Certificate to most first-time and
out-of-state applicants for a regular teaching certificate.
An endorsement defines the content area on the Washington Teaching Certificate. In
the LCC Teacher Education program, you may earn endorsements in Elementary Education
(K-8) and Early Childhood Education (P-3).
The BAS-TE degree will prepare graduates to work across the spectrum of early childhood
education from birth through eighth grade in a variety of early education and general
education programs such as early intervention, Head Start, the Early Childhood Education
and Assistance Program (ECEAP), and primary schools. Classroom teachers with an elementary
education endorsement may be assigned to teach any subject in grades K-8.
Yes. Teachers who graduate from the Teacher Education program are approved by the
state to teach K-8. They might also need to meet district requirements in order to
teach middle level grades. These requirements vary from district to district.
Candidates enrolled in the full-time cohort complete residency certification requirements in two years. This is a total of 6 academic quarters. (approximately 15 credits per quarter).
Candidates enrolled in the part-time cohort complete degree and residency certification requirements in 2 ½ years including 3 summer quarters. This is a total of 9 academic quarters (approximately 10 credits per quarter).
Each cohort has 2 start dates:
Part-time: Courses begin in July, with 9 - 11 credits anticipated each quarter (summer
through summer - 9 sequential quarters).
Full-time: Courses begin in September, with 14-16 credits anticipated each quarter
during fall, winter, and spring.
There are two applications for the LCC Teacher Education Program:
1) Apply as a new or returning student if it has been longer than 2 years since your most
recent attendance. After you submit your application, you will see a confirmation
number link. Click on that link before you close your application to get your CTC
Link Student ID number.
2) Apply to the Teacher Education program by the deadline indicated. Earlier is better, even if you still have remaining courses
to complete. This allows us to support you as you continue to prepare.
3) Complete the steps on the LCC Enrollment page in order to activate and access your student accounts.
4) Student applicants will be screened through a process with clearly-defined minimum
qualifications and prerequisites. Students will be expected to have cumulative 2.5
5) Acceptance/denial letters will be sent on or before June 1, with a request for
confirmation of acceptance.
6) If you are hoping to receive Financial Aid, please visit our Financial Aid web pages and apply. There is no fee to apply and both Federal and State aid could be available
to those who qualify.
No, but you must provide scores from the ACT or SAT with your name and dates included, OR take the WEST-B (Washington Educator Skills Test–Basic) assessment prior to full acceptance into BAS-TE.
Washington has two testing requirements: basic skills, WEST-B and Approved Alternatives, (no passing score required) and content knowledge area testing NES. Visit our Testing Requirements page for detailed information.
Up to 30 candidates will be admitted to each cohort. LCC will admit students based on a weighted application process based on the following criteria: degree type, relevant work experience, GPA, and a personal statement.
We will work with all students who are interested in the BAS-TE program. You may need to retake some courses to improve your GPA, obtain more volunteer hours, or complete prerequisite courses. We will meet with interested students individually to develop a plan.
No, previous and current LCC students do NOT need to submit official LCC transcripts.
If you attended prior to 2015, and do not have access to your courses/transcripts
through CTC Link, you will need to request that your archived transcripts be made accessible.
High school transcripts are not required for the BAS-TE application.
WEST-B Questions
The WEST-B test is the Washington Educator Skills Test-Basic which covers reading writing and mathematics. There is no required passing score for the WEST-B.
See our Testing Requirements web page.
Applicants who can provide documentation of one of the following are exempt from taking the WEST–B:
- A National Board Teaching Certificate
- Washington passing scores on all three tests (Reading, Mathematics, and Writing) of the Praxis I
- A passing score on the California Basic Educational Skills Test™ (CBEST®)
- A passing score on the NES Essential Academic Skills Test
You may include a copy of your scores with your BAS-TE application or have scores sent directly to LCC.
Your test scores are reported to you and to any institution that you indicated as a score recipient when you registered. Your scores are also reported directly to the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, Office of Certification, and are automatically added to your certification application file. Your score report is for your records only; do not submit it with your application for certification or with the LCC or BAS-TE applications.
It can take up to six to eight weeks to receive scores for the writing portion of the WEST-B. We advise taking the WEST-B as soon as possible.
Currently there is no expiration of the validity period for WEST-B test results.
You should not delay your application if you are waiting for your WEST-B results. Please submit all required application forms and indicate “waiting for your results” on the application.
Advising Questions
Yes, undergraduate students in the Teacher Education Program are assigned to academic advisors in the BAS-TE program.
Residency Placement Questions
LCC has partnerships with the following school districts: Castle Rock, La Center, Longview, Kalama, Kelso, Klickitat, Ridgefield, Toutle Lake, Wahkiakum, Warrenton, OR, and Woodland.
All Placements are assigned through a collaboration with school district human resources, building principals, mentor teachers, and BAS-TE Faculty.
Contact Us
Jenny Smith
Program Manager, BAS-TE & Educational Partnerships
Stacie Johnson/ Career Pathways Advisor - BAS programs and Education
Michaela Jackson
Director of Education, New Program Development, & Educational Partnerships
Alan Thompson Library
University Center - LIB 120
(360) 353-7800
Mon - Fri: 8 am - 5 pm