
The Student Center is the hub of student activities. Conveniently located on 15th Avenue, it houses the LCC Bookstore, Fork & Flame Cafe, Safety & Security, Veterans Center, and Student Activities on the first floor. On the second floor you will find Running Start and the Diversity & Equity Center.

It's a great place to relax or study between classes. Stop by and say hello!

Offices and Services Include:

LCC Bookstore

Textbooks, college apparel, gifts, Cougar Cheese, and more...

Fork & Flame Cafe

Serving fast, fresh and healthy breakfast and lunch options, as well as coffee and beverages.

Veterans Center

Quiet work space set for veterans to relax and do homework or get help and advice.

Student Government

Your Associated Students of Lower Columbia College (ASLCC) are working for YOU!

Running Start

Qualifying high school juniors and seniors attend LCC tuition free. Learn more....

Safety & Security

Working to ensure a safe and orderly environment for everyone on campus.

Buildings & Facilities Contacts

Plant Operations

  Richard Hamilton, Director, Campus Services

  (360) 442-2263


  Wendy Hall, Vice President, Effectiveness & College Relations

  (360) 442-2491


  Alyssa Milano-Hightower, RCA Director of Operations

  (360) 442-2511