LCC offers a variety of in-person and online class options each quarter. 

Here are some helpful tips you should know before enrolling in classes. Understanding modalities can help you understand how you will be expected to engage in class, including whether or not Canvas will be used.

To view the list of classes being offered in-person, hybrid, flexible, or online (either synchronous or asynchronous) each quarter, follow these steps:

  1. Go to our Class Schedule​ webpage.
  2. Open the link to the schedule for the quarter you are interested in.
  3. Choose a subject from the "Subject" dropdown.
  4. Select the Instruction Mode if you have a preference (in-person, hybrid, online synchronous, etc.).
  5. Select Search.
Modalities Specifications
Modality Meeting Location Scheduled Attendance Online Work & Submissions Example


Meets on campus. 100% scheduled in-person attendance.

Some work may be completed on a computer, but Canvas usage is not required. 

Class meets on campus on Monday - Thursday 8:00 - 8:50 am.


In-Person Web Enhanced Meets on campus. 100% scheduled in-person attendance.

Usage of Canvas is required and assignments will be submitted online.

Class Meets on campus Monday - Thursday 8:00 - 8:50 a.m. with some assignments submitted online.

Hybrid Meets partially on campus, partially online. Some scheduled in-person attendance.

Online work is required and assignments will be submitted in Canvas.

Class meets one day a week with all other coursework completed independently online.

Flexible Meets on campus or online - student's choice. Optional scheduled in-person attendance.

Online work is required and assignments may be submitted online or in-person.

Students choose whether to attend in-person or complete coursework independently online.

Online Asynchronous No scheduled meetings.

No scheduled attendance.

Online work is required and assignments will be submitted through Canvas.

No meeting times. All coursework is completed online.

Online Scheduled Meets online at scheduled times.

Scheduled attendance online typically in a Zoom room.

Online work is required and assignments will be submitted through Canvas.

Class meets online in Zoom on Monday and Wednesday 8:00 - 9:50 a.m.

100% Face-to-Face Instruction:


In-person instruction is delivered in a designated classroom, and may use the online learning management system (Canvas) for informational purposes. Days and times are listed for when students must attend in-person classroom instruction. Classes may require proctored testing which may be available online.

  • Meeting pattern: Days & times listed;
  • Location: Building and room listed;
  • Instruction Mode: In-Person;
  • Section Codes: 
    • Lecture Examples: A-LEC, B-LEC, C-LEC
    • Lab Examples: AL-LAB, AL1-LAB, BL-LAB, CL-LAB

In-Person (Web-Enhanced)

In-person instruction is delivered in a designated classroom, and will require use of the online learning management system (Canvas) for submitting assignments, quizzes, and discussion boards. Days and times are listed for when students must attend in-person classroom instruction. Classes may require proctored testing which may be available online.

  • Meeting pattern: Days & times listed;
  • Location: Building and room listed;
  • Instruction Mode: In-Person (Web-Enhanced)
  • Section Codes: 
    • Lecture Examples: A-LEC, B-LEC, C-LEC
    • Lab Examples: AL-LAB, AL1-LAB, BL-LAB, CL-LAB

100% Online Instruction:

Online Asynchronous (Anytime)

This class has no scheduled meeting time. The course will be conducted online, requiring students to have reliable and daily access to a computer and internet service. Specific expectations regarding coursework and deadlines will be communicated through Canvas. Courses may require online proctored testing.

  • Meeting pattern: Arranged or TBA;
  • Location: Online;
  • Instruction Mode: Online Asynchronous;
  • Section Codes:
    • Lecture Examples: DE-LEC, DE1-LEC
    • Lab Examples: DE-LAB, DE1-LAB

Online Scheduled (Scheduled Class held in a Virtual Classroom)  

This class will have a mix of online synchronous (designated day/times you will meet in a virtual classroom) and online asynchronous (anytime). Specific expectations regarding real-time sessions and online coursework and deadlines will be communicated by the faculty. Students are required to have reliable and daily access to a computer and internet service. Courses may require online proctored testing.

  • Meeting pattern: Days & times listed (for real-time portion);
  • Location: Online;
  • Instruction Mode: Online;
  • Section Codes: 
    • Lecture Examples: VC-LEC, VC1-LEC
    • Lab Examples: VC-LAB, VC1-LAB

Mixture of Face-to-Face & Online Instruction:


This class includes in-person classroom instruction and online coursework. Hybrid classes require access to reliable internet service. Students must attend in-person classroom instruction at scheduled days and times. Courses may require proctored testing which may be available online.

  • Meeting pattern: Days & times listed;
  • Location: Building and room listed;
  • Instruction Mode: Hybrid;
  • Section Codes: 
    • Lecture Examples: HY-LEC, HY1-LEC
    • Lab Examples: HY-LAB, HY1-LAB

Flexible, face-to-face (F2F) or online

This modality allows students to choose whether to attend scheduled, in-person class times or complete coursework asynchronously online. Assignments and online coursework will be in Canvas. Students have the flexibility of choosing how they would like to attend on any given day. This class may require proctored testing which could have an associated fee.

  • Meeting pattern: Days & times listed;
  • Location: Building and room listed;
  • Instruction Mode: Flexible;
  • Section Codes: 
    • Lecture Examples: FL-LEC
    • Lab Examples: FL-LAB

Special Class Section Coding

  • DE - fully online, asynchronous (anytime);
  • VC - virtual classroom: mix of fully online (anytime) and virtual classroom (specific day/time);
  • HY - hybrid, in person instruction  (specific day/time) with & asynchronous online (on your own);
  • FL - flexible, students may attend in-person or online asynchronously
  • N - classes with a start time after 4:00 pm.

Contact Advising & Registration Services

Advising is conveniently located in the Admissions Center Building. Make an appointment to discuss your classes by visiting the One-Stop Center in person during business hours of Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 5:00pm, Friday 10:00am - 5:00pm (Campus closed Fridays during Summer session).

  (360) 442-2350