LCC's Bias Response Team (BRT) consists of a diverse group of campus representatives who are available to determine a rapid and effective response to incidents of bias and offer broader prevention and educational strategies that fit with the Mission of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Lower Columbia College.

If you observe or experience harassment or discrimination, bias, or other misconduct, please Make a Report using the above form.

What is a Bias?

Any action, including words, slurs, or behaviors, committed against a person or a group that is motivated by prejudice against the person's or group's perceived or actual social identity based on race, color, national origin, age, physical or mental disability, pregnancy, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, creed, religion, or veteran or military status, and that interferes with one's educational opportunities or disrupts the learning environment.

Make a Report

LCC strongly encourages members of the community to report all bias incidents that occur on or near campus, online, or off-campus involving members of the LCC community. Reporting is important even if the offending person(s) cannot be identified, and allows the College to support and assist those impacted by a bias incident, track patterns of bias and create educational interventions to improve our campus climate.

Students who may feel uncertain or uncomfortable about whether or how to best report an incident are encouraged to seek guidance from a trusted faculty or staff member. That person can provide assistance by informally reporting a bias incident at the College. Reports can be made anonymously.

Bias Response Team Lead

  • Dan Ruiz, Executive Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, (360) 442-2105

Bias Response Team Members

  • Sue Orchard, Vice President of Student Services/Title IX Deputy Coordinator, (360) 442-2301
  • Kendra Sprague, Vice President of Foundation, HR, & Legal Affairs/Title IX Coordinator, (360) 442-2121
  • Wendy Hall, Vice President of Effectiveness & College Relations, (360) 442-2491
  • Jason Arrowsmith, Director of Security, (360) 442-2270
  • Dani Trimble, Director, Workforce & Career Services, (360) 442-2622
  • Mary Kate Morgan, Director, Disability and Access Services, 360.442.2341
  • John Killian, Multicultural Center Advisor, (360) 442-2424
  • Leszek Cromwell, Counselor, (360) 442-2425
  • Richard Arquette, Director of Student Programs, (360) 442-2443

Contact Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)

General Inquiries

  Daniel Ruiz

  (360) 442-2105