Education can become the means for the proletariat to escape the means they were borne
into, a difficult task in an aesthetically mobile system, but realistically finite.
Being surrounded by community members, and those who may have had more barriers to
education themselves, allowed me to feel greater comfort, allowance to make mistakes,
and perseverance within these mistakes during my time as a student, and now as a staff
member at LCC.
LCC is not solely focused on its monetary gain; an occurrence rare in a society riddled
with the cancerous mindset of infinite growth and expansion. LCC truly listens and
maintains conversation with its community due to the loyalty of those reared within
and outside the system, appreciative of its role, and dedicated to supporting the
community's growth, rather than dictating or controlling said growth. I am infinitely
grateful to have found a role in such an institution, an institution that did shove
me down and expect me to prove myself by getting back up; but rather one that lent
a hand when necessary, understanding that everyone needs a social safety net.