See also
- Degree Requirements for Arts, Communication and Humanities programs
- Course descriptions in the LCC Catalog
- Distribution lists in the LCC Catalog
Important: Many course sequences only begin in fall quarter. Check with your program advisor.
First Quarter
- MUSC& 141: Music Theory I (5 credits)
- MUSC 111: Ear Training I (1 credit)
- ENGL& 101: English Composition I (5 credits)
- ENSEMBLE: MUSC 121, 130, or 150 (2 credits)
- MUSC 176: Individual Instruction I (1 credit)
- COLL 101: College Success 101 (2 credits)
Second Quarter
- MUSC& 142: Music Theory II (5 credits)
- MUSC 112: Ear Training II (1 credit)
- CMST& 220: Public Speaking (5 credits)
- ENSEMBLE: MUSC 122, 130, or 150 (2 credits)
- MUSC 177: Individual Instruction II (1 credit)
Meet with advisor
Apply for Scholarships
Third Quarter
- MUSC& 143: Music Theory III (5 credits)
- MUSC 113: Ear Training III (1 credit)
- MATH& 107: Math in Society (5 credits)
- ENSEMBLE: MUSC 123, 130, or 150 (2 credits)
- MUSC 178: Individual Instruction III (1 credit)
Fourth Quarter
- NUTR& 101: Nutrition (note: doesn’t transfer to UW) (5 credits)
- SOC& 101: Introduction to Sociology:DIV (5 credits)
Fifth Quarter
- MUSC& 241: Music Theory IV (5 credits)
- MUSC 106: Keyboard Skills I (1 credit)
- ENSEMBLE: MUSC 221, 130, or 150 (2 credits)
- MUSC 276: Individual Instruction IV (1 credit)
- CHEM 110 (5 credits)
Sixth Quarter
- MUSC& 242: Music Theory V (5 credits)
- MUSC 107: Keyboard Skills II (1 credit)
- ENSEMBLE: MUSC 222, 130, or 150 (2 credits)
- MUSC 277: Individual Instruction V (1 credit)
- ANTH& 206: Cultural Anthropology:DIV 5 (5 credits)
Meet with advisor
Apply for Graduation
Seventh Quarter
- MUSC& 243: Music Theory VI (5 credits)
- MUSC 108: Keyboard Skills III (1 credit)
- ENSEMBLE: MUSC 223, 130, or 150 (2 credits)
- MUSC 278: Individual Instruction VI (1 credit)
- DRAMA 108 (5 credits - only offered in Spring)
Eighth Quarter
- PHSC 109: Energy and Matter: Physical Sciences (5 credits)
- PSYC& 100: General Psychology (5 credits)
1. Music Theory I
MUSC& 141 (5 credits)
2. Ear Training I
MUSC 111 (1 credit)
3. English Composition I
ENGL& 101 (5 credits)
MUSC 121, 130, or 150 (2 credits)
5. Individual Instruction I
MUSC 176 (1 credit)
6. College Success 101
COLL 101 (2 credits)
7. Music Theory II
MUSC& 142 (5 credits)
8. Ear Training II
MUSC 112 (1 credit)
9. Public Speaking
CMST& 220 (5 credits)
MUSC 122, 130, or 150 (2 credits)
11. Individual Instruction II
MUSC 177 (1 credit)
12. Music Theory III
MUSC& 143 (5 credits)
13. Ear Training III
MUSC 113 (1 credit)
14. Math in Society
MATH& 107 (5 credits)
MUSC 123, 130, or 150 (2 credits)
16. Individual Instruction III
MUSC 178 (1 credit)
17. Natural Science Course
NUTR& 101: Nutrition (note: doesn’t transfer to UW) (5 credits)
18. Social Science Course
SOC& 101: Introduction to Sociology:DIV (5 credits)
19. Music Theory IV
MUSC& 241 (5 credits)
20. Keyboard Skills I
MUSC 106 (1 credit)
MUSC 221, 130, or 150 (2 credits)
22. Individual Instruction IV
MUSC 276 (1 credit)
23. Humanities Course
DRMA 106: Introduction to Acting (5 credits)
24. Music Theory V
MUSC& 242 (5 credits)
25. Keyboard Skills II
MUSC 107 (1 credit)
MUSC 222, 130, or 150 (2 credits)
27. Individual Instruction V
MUSC 277 (1 credit)
28. Social Science Course
ANTH& 206: Cultural Anthropology:DIV (5 credits)
29. Music Theory VI
MUSC& 243 (5 credits)
30. Keyboard Skills III
MUSC 108 (1 credit)
MUSC 223, 130, or 150 (2 credits)
32. Individual Instruction VI
MUSC 278 (1 credit)
33. Natural Science Course
CHEM 110: Chemical Concepts with lab (5 credits)
34. Natural Science Course
PHSC 109: Energy and Matter: Physical Sciences (5 credits)
35. Social Science Course
PSYC& 100: General Psychology (5 credits)
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