Careers in medical professions require several years of advanced study. Medical coursework is rigorous and entry into professional schools is very competitive. Students planning a career in medicine, medical technology, dentistry, pharmacy or veterinary can begin their studies at LCC and gain a solid foundation in the basic sciences required in those fields. A number of medical schools require a foreign language.
NOTE: The program-specific Associate in Arts & Sciences (AA) transfer degree is for students who are sure of the baccalaureate institution they wish to attend. This may be a good option for students who plan to earn a bachelor’s degree in a professional field. Students must work closely with their program advisor to design a program that will fulfill the transfer institution’s general admission and program entry requirements. Students should expect to have courses evaluated on a course-by-course basis upon transfer to the upper division. The LCC program advisor and the appropriate department chair must approve the intended program.
See also
- Degree Requirements for Health Sciences and Wellness programs
- Course descriptions in the LCC Catalog
- Distribution lists in the LCC Catalog
Important: Many course sequences only begin in fall quarter. Check with your program advisor.
First Quarter
- BIOL& 160: General Biology (5 credits)
- COLL 101: College Success 101 (2 credits)
- ENGL& 101: English Composition I (5 credits)
- placement test into ENGL&101 or ENGL 99*
- Choose one Physical Education (PHED) elective (1 credit)
Second Quarter
- BIOL& 241: Human A & P 1 (5 credits)
- BIOL& 160*
- PSYC& 100: General Psychology (5 credits)
- CHEM&121: Introduction to General Chemistry (5 credits)
- CHEM& 100 or High School Chemistry*
*Pre- and/or co-requisite(s)
Third Quarter
- BIOL& 242: Human A & P 2 (5 credits)
- BIOL& 241*
- SOC& 101: Intro to Sociology (5 credits)
- CHEM&131: Intro to Organic/Biochem (5 credits)
- CHEM& 121 or CHEM& 161*
*Pre- and/or co-requisite(s)
Research Dental Hygiene Programs
Fourth Quarter
- MATH& 146: Intro to Statistics (5 credits)
- MATH& 97 or MATH& 99*
- BIOL& 260: Microbiology (5 credits)
- BIOL& 160 or BIOL& 221*
- NUTR& 101: Nutrition (5 credits)
*Pre- and/or co-requisite(s)
Fifth Quarter
- ENGL& 102: English Composition II (5 credits)
- ENGL& 101*
- CMST& 210: Interpersonal Communications or CMST& 220: Public Speaking (5 credits)
- Choose one Social Science course from the Distribution List (5 credits)
*Pre- and/or co-requisite(s)
Apply to Dental Hygiene Program
Sixth Quarter
- Choose one Humanities elective from the Distribution List (5 credits)
- Choose one Humanities elective from the Distribution List (5 credits)
- Choose one Humanities elective from the Distribution List (5 credits)
- Choose one or more electives (2 credits)
1. General Biology
BIOL& 160 (5 credits)
2. College Success 101
COLL 101 (2 credits)
3. English Composition I
ENGL& 101 (5 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): placement test into ENGL&101 or ENGL 99
4. Physical Education Elective
Choose one Physical Education (PHED) elective (1 credit)
5. Human Anatomy & Physiology 1
BIOL& 241 (5 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): BIOL& 160
6. General Psychology
PSYC& 100 (5 credits)
7. Introduction to General Chemistry
CHEM&121 (5 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): CHEM& 100 or High School Chemistry
8. Human Anatomy & Physiology 2
BIOL& 242 (5 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): BIOL& 241
9. Intro to Sociology
SOC& 101 (5 credits)
10. Intro to Organic/Biochem
CHEM&131 (5 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): CHEM& 121 or CHEM& 161
11. Intro to Statistics
MATH& 146 (5 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): MATH& 97 or MATH& 99
12. Microbiology
BIOL& 260 (5 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): BIOL& 160 or BIOL& 221
13. Nutrition
NUTR& 101 (5 credits)
14. English Composition II
ENGL& 102 (5 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): ENGL& 101
15. Interpersonal Communications or Public Speaking
CMST& 210 or CMST& 220 (5 credits)
16. Social Science Elective
Choose one Social Science course from the Distribution List (5 credits)
17. Humanities Elective
Choose one Humanities elective from the Distribution List (5 credits)
18. Humanities Elective
Choose one Humanities elective from the Distribution List (5 credits)
19. Humanities Elective
Choose one Humanities elective from the Distribution List (5 credits)
20. Elective
Choose one or more electives (2 credits)
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(360) 442-2330