The Substance Use Disorder Studies program provides courses to meet the educational requirements of the State WAC 246-811-030 for licensure of Chemical Dependency Professional (CDP). The curriculum includes the understanding of the following topics specific to alcohol and drug addiction treatment of individuals: Pharmacological actions of alcohol and other drugs; treatment methods; record keeping and case management; cultural diversity; health issues; community resources; individual and group counseling; relapse prevention; working with specific groups, such as youth and families; and professional and ethical responsibilities.
All SUDS students-transfer or non-transfer- need the AAS
See also
- Degree Requirements for Health Sciences and Wellness programs
- Course descriptions in the LCC Catalog
- Distribution lists in the LCC Catalog
Important: Many course sequences only begin in fall quarter. Check with your program advisor.
First Quarter
- COLL 101: College Success 101 (2 credits)
- SUDS 101: Introduction to Addiction and Chemical Dependency (5 credits)
- SUDS 109: Process of Addiction and Compulsive Behaviors (4 credits)
- SUDS 113: Treatment Principles of Chemical Dependency (3 credits)
- SUDS 101 or concurrent enrollment*
*Pre- and/or co-requisite(s)
If you are planning to transfer to a university speak with your SUDS advisor about
your options and program requirements.
Second Quarter
- SUDS 102: Introduction to Theory and Counseling of Chemically Dependent Clients (3
- SUDS 101 with a C grade or higher*
- SUDS 105: Chemical Dependency/Domestic Violence (3 credits)
- SUDS 121: Legal and Ethical Issues in SUDS (3 credits)
- SUDS 114: Suicide Assessment, Prevention and Crisis Management (2 credits)
- ENGL& 101: English Composition I (5 credits)
- College placement or ENGL 099 or TECH 105 with a grade of C or better*
*Pre- and/or co-requisite(s)
Third Quarter
- SUDS 107: Adolescent Developmental Issues and Chemical Dependency (3 credits)
- SUDS 110: Alcohol/Drug Pathophysiology and Pharmacology (3 credits)
- SUDS 101, 102, 113 with a C grade or higher*
- SUDS 111: Record Keeping and Case Management (3 credits)
- SUDS 101, 102, 113 with a C grade or higher *
- MATH 105: Math for Health Science or MATH& 146: Introduction to Statistics (5 credits)
- MATH 097 or MATH 098 with a grade of C or better or appropriate placement test score to enter into MATH& 146*
- HLTH 100: Occupational Safety and Health (3 credits)
*Pre- and/or co-requisite(s)
MATH& 146 is recommended for students planning to transfer to a university. MATH 105 will not meet university graduation requirements for their SUDP program. Meet with your advisor if you have questions.
Speak with SUDS advisor about SUDS 288 Cooperative Education options.
Fourth Quarter
- Choose one Natural Science course** (5 credits):
- BIOL& 100: Survey of Biology
- BIOL& 160: General Biology with Lab: Cell/Molecular
- BIOL& 241: Human A & P I
- BIOL& 242: Human A&P II
- CHEM& 110: Chemical Concepts w/Lab
- CHEM& 121: Introduction to Chemistry
- NUTR& 101: Nutrition
- Or choose from the Natural Science Distribution List
- SUDS 202: Chemical Dependency Counseling with Diverse Populations (3 credits)
- SUDS 101, 102, 113, and 121 or instructor permission*
- SUDS 215: Group Counseling: Theories and Applications (3 credits)
- SUDS 101 and 113 both with a grade of C or higher*
- PSYC& 100: General Psychology (5 credits)
- COLL 289: Employment Portfolio Seminar (1 credit)
*Pre- and/or co-requisite(s)
**Please see catalog for pre- and/or co-requisite(s) for selected course(s)
Turn in graduation application to registration.
Fifth Quarter
- SUDS 203: Relapse Prevention and Intervention (3 credits)
- SUDS 101, 102, and 113 or instructor permission*
- SUDS 288: Cooperative Work Experience (1-15 credits)
- Instructor or Cooperative Education Coordinator permission Concurrent requirements: COLL 289 or BTEC 294 or BUS 294 or IT 294*
- SOC& 101: Introduction to Sociology: DIV (5 credits)
*Pre- and/or co-requisite(s)
Sixth Quarter
- SUDS 201: Dynamic of the Family and Chemical Dependency (3 credits)
- SUDS 101, 102, 113 and 215 with a C or better.*
- SUDS 288: Cooperative Work Experience (1-15 credits)
- Instructor or Cooperative Education Coordinator permission
- Concurrent requirements: COLL 289 or BTEC 294 or BUS 294 or IT 294*
- PSYC& 200: Lifespan Psychology (5 credits)
- PSYC& 100 or instructor permission*
- SUDS 220: Co-Occur Disorders: Mental Health Disorders in SUDS (3 credits)
- SUDS 101, 102, and 113 with a grade of C or better or instructor permission*
*Pre- and/or co-requisite(s)
1. Introduction to Addiction and Chemical Dependency
SUDS 101 (5 credits)
2. Process of Addiction and Compulsive Behaviors
SUDS 109 (4 credits)
3. Treatment Principles of Chemical Dependency
SUDS 113 (3 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): SUDS 101 with a C grade or higher or concurrent enrollment
4. College Success 101
COLL 101 (2 credits)
5. Introduction to Theory and Counseling of Chemically Dependent Clients
SUDS 102 (3 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): SUDS 101 with a C grade or higher
6. Chemical Dependency/Domestic Violence
SUDS 105 (3 credits)
7. Legal and Ethical Issues in SUDS
SUDS 121 (3 credits)
8. Suicide Assessment, Prevention and Crisis Management
SUDS 114 (2 credits)
9. English Composition I
ENGL& 101 (5 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): College placement or ENGL 099 or TECH 105 with a grade
of C or better
10. Adolescent Developmental Issues and Chemical Dependency
SUDS 107 (3 credits)
11. Alcohol/Drug Pathophysiology and Pharmacology
SUDS 110 (3 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): SUDS 101, 102, 113 with a C grade or higher
12. Record Keeping and Case Management
SUDS 111 (3 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): SUDS 101, 102, 113 with a C grade or higher
13. Math for Health Science or Introduction to Statistics
MATH 105 or MATH& 146 (5 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): MATH 099 or MATH 097 with a grade of C or better or appropriate
placement test score to enter into MATH& 146
14. Occupational Safety and Health
HLTH 100 (3 credits)
15. Natural Science Course
Choose one:
BIOL& 100: Survey of Biology (5 credits)
BIOL& 160: General Biology with Lab: Cell/Molecular (5 credits)
BIOL& 241: Human A & P I(5 credits)
BIOL& 242: Human A&P II (5 credits)
CHEM& 110: Chemical Concepts w/Lab (5 credits)
CHEM& 121: Introduction to Chemistry (5 credits)
NUTR& 101: Nutrition (5 credits)
Or Chose from the Natural Science Distribution List
Please see catalog for pre- and/or co-requisite(s) for selected course(s)
16. Chemical Dependency Counseling with Diverse Populations
SUDS 202 (3 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): SUDS 101, 102, 113, and 121 or instructor permission
17. Group Counseling: Theories and Applications
SUDS 215 (3 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): SUDS 101 and 113 both with a grade of C or better
18. General Psychology
PSYC& 100 (5 credits)
19. Employment Portfolio Seminar
COLL 289 (1 credit)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): Meet with SUDS advisor
20. Relapse Prevention and Intervention
SUDS 203 (3 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): SUDS 101, 102, and 113 or instructor permission
21. Cooperative Work Experience
SUDS 288 (1-15 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): Instructor or Cooperative Education Coordinator permission
Concurrent requirements: COLL 289 or BTEC 294 or BUS 294 or IT 294
22. Introduction to Sociology: DIV
SOC& 101 (5 credits)
23. Dynamic of the Family and Chemical Dependency
SUDS 201 (3 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): SUDS 101, 102, 113 and 215 with a C or better.
24. Cooperative Work Experience
SUDS 288 (1-15 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): Instructor or Cooperative Education Coordinator permission
Concurrent requirements: COLL 289 or BTEC 294 or BUS 294 or IT 294
25. Lifespan Psychology
PSYC& 200 (5 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): PSYC& 100 or instructor permission
26. Co-Occur Disorders: Mental Health Disorders in SUDS
SUDS 220 (3 credits)
Pre- and/or co-requisite(s): SUDS 101, 102 and 113 with a grade of C or better or
instructor permission
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