Policy 260 - Employment Contracts

Faculty, exempt and executive staff shall be employed under the terms and conditions of an employment contract that stipulates dates of employment, salary for the employment period and any other terms and conditions applicable to that individual's employment.

Employment contracts shall be executed by signature of the employee and the applicable appointing authority. An employee's failure to sign the contract offer by the date specified shall be considered a rejection of the offer.

Nothing herein shall preclude the district from entering into an employment contract of limited duration for interim, acting or other provisional appointments.

Written acceptance of an employment contract conveys that the employee agrees to conform to the rules, policies, and regulations of Lower Columbia College, District 13, and the laws of the State of Washington.

Historic Information

  • Reviewed - No Changes Needed: July 13, 2022
  • Reviewed - No Changes Needed: June 19, 2019 
  • Approved: February 23, 2009
  • Adopted: October, 1989
  • Replaces Policy 311 


Resource/Reference/Procedure Title Unit Responsibility
Washington Federation of State Employees collective bargaining agreement   VP of HR and Legal Affairs
Faculty Contract    
Administrative and Exempt Handbook    

Contact the President's Office

General Inquiries

  Bryanna Doumit

  (360) 442-2100

Institutional Assistance

  Wendy Hall

  (360) 442-2491

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  Administration Building (ADM)

  Mon - Fri: 8 am - 5 pm
Closed on Fridays during summer session