Policy 269 - Employee Affinity Groups
Policy 269 - Employee Affinity Groups

Employee Affinity Groups (EAG) are voluntary associations of Lower Columbia College employees who gather together around a common interest and are formed pursuant to the college’s Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Strategic Plan. EAGs play a vital role in developing and improving employee morale and the campus climate. EAGs support the shared mission, vision and values of the College and break down barriers of rank and work group around shared interests by encouraging collaboration and understanding.

LCC is supportive of a system of Employee Affinity Groups that contribute to the following:

  • Foster employee development.
  • Contribute to the College’s commitment to advancing social equity, while challenging systems of power, privilege and inequities.
  • Strengthen networking and cohesiveness across the College, and promote career and professional development.
  • Provide important feedback to management and assist with efforts to attract and retain highly qualified candidates for employment at LCC.

Historic Information

  • Reviewed by Executive Leadership Team: January 11, 2023
  • Reviewed by Governance Council: March 1, 2023
  • Reviewed by UMCC: March 21, 2023
  • Reviewed by Governance Council: April 5, 2023
  • Campus Review/Public Comment: April 11-25, 2023
  • Approved: April 26, 2023


Resource/Reference/Procedure Title Unit Responsibility
269.1A EAG Procedure Employee Affinity Group Procedure VP of HR, Foundation and Legal Affairs and VP of Student Services
EAG Application Employee Affinity Group Application VP of HR, Foundation and Legal Affairs and VP of Student Services
DEI Strategic Plan Lower Columbia College Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Strategic Plan Lower Columbia College Executive Leadership Team
DEI Webpage Diversity, Equity and Inclusion webpage DEI Committee 
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