Policy 305 - Degrees and Certificates

Lower Columbia College offers applied bachelor's and associate degrees as well as certificates in accordance with requirements of the State of Washington and the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities. Specific degree and certificate requirements are found in the current Lower Columbia College catalog.

305.1 Degrees and Graduation Requirements

  • Degree and graduation GPA only includes courses taken at Lower Columbia College that count toward the student's degree plan and must be a minimum of 2.00.

  • A maximum of 15 “Pass” credits may be used toward completion of associate degree requirements except when earned as non-traditional credits or when pass/fail courses are required by a specific program.

  • Courses taken pass/fail may only be used to satisfy elective credit degree requirements

305.2 General Requirements

  • A minimum of 90 credits must be earned in courses numbered 100 and above; a maximum of three physical education credits may be included in the 90; and a maximum of 15 credits in Cooperative Work Experience and/or Independent Study;
  • A minimum of 24 credits, exclusive of credits by examination and academic credit for prior learning, must be earned at Lower Columbia College.

  • A minimum of five credits of course work from the approved diversity list must be completed satisfactorily

305.3 Course Requirements

Course requirements in each degree program shall be consistent with the mission, vision and values of the College. Such requirements shall promote the larger purposes of college level education--to help students develop into individuals who can reason clearly, communicate effectively, think critically, and demonstrate effective interpersonal skills.

  • Each degree shall incorporate reading, writing, and quantitative skills development consistent with its purpose.

305.4 Honors at Graduation

Upon graduation, Lower Columbia College students receive honors based upon their grade point average. This grade point average calculation includes only those courses completed at Lower Columbia College that count toward the student's degree plan:

  • Honors – 3.5 to 3.79 GPA
  • Highest Honors – 3.8 to 4.0 GPA

305.5 Second Associate Degree

Students may earn a second associate degree by completing an additional 45 quarter credits beyond those earned for the first degree. All degree requirements apply.

305.6 Waiver of Graduation Requirements

Petitions to have any graduation requirements waived shall be considered by the Academic Standards Committee on their individual merits.

305.7 Applications for Credentials

Candidates for credentials must complete and submit the application forms provided by the College within published deadlines..

Historic Information

  • Reviewed - No Changes Needed: February 22, 2023
  • Reviewed by the Executive Leadership Team: March 4, 2020
  • Approved: February 18, 2020 
  • Adopted: February 23, 2009 (Replaces Policies 405-405.3 Approved 7/89 and 3/97)


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  (360) 442-2100

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  (360) 442-2491

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