Policy 420 - Student Services, Programs and Activities

The Board of Trustees subscribes to the open admission philosophy essential to achieving the goals of a comprehensive community college. The Board further recognizes its responsibility to establish student services and programs that enhance the personal, cultural, intellectual, recreational, athletic, social activities, and academic development of all students of the College.

420.1 Advising

Educational advising is a key element that contributes to each student's ultimate successful attainment of their educational goals. Students and advisors meet regularly to ensure students stay on the path to success.

420.2 Counseling

The counseling program is a key component of the educational process. The program concerns itself primarily, but not exclusively, with personal support and development, career decision making, and academic planning.

420.3 Financial Aid

The Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges authorizes community and technical colleges to employ qualified persons to administer its student financial aid programs in accordance with federal and state regulations and institutional policies. The Financial Aid Office shall attempt to remove the financial barriers to post-secondary education for students with unmet financial need by utilizing a combination of federal, state, institutional, and community funding resources.

420.4 Student Government and Activities

Co-curricular and extra-curricular programs are a key component of students’ success and goal completion. The College recognizes the Associated Students of Lower Columbia College (ASLCC) Executive Council as the student government organization at the College whose purpose is to direct and manage the affairs of the student body at Lower Columbia College and to represent students in dealing with the College administration, staff, the community, and the State in matters affecting students except as limited by board policy, college rules and regulations, and the rules and laws of the State of Washington.

420.5 Freedom of Expression 

Students, faculty, administrators and staff shall be intellectually free to express their scholarship and reasoned conclusions by orderly means which do not disrupt the regular and essential operations of the College. We honor the right of expression as a hallmark of learning, and we treasure intellectual freedom even when individual or group points of view are controversial or out of favor with prevailing perspectives. A complete explanation of freedom of expression can be found in policy 440 “Code of Student Conduct,” and in WAC 132M-126.

420.6 Field Trips

The College shall provide for and encourage participation in field trips, courses involving travel, and non-classroom activities, which may include student government, clubs, organizations, intramural sports, intercollegiate sports, and attendance at professional productions within the limitations of the resources available. No such activities shall take place without prior consent of the President or President's designee, and completion of an Informed Acknowledgment of and Consent to Field Trip Hazards and Risk form.

Historic Information

    • Approved: January 31, 2024
    • Campus Review: January 11-25, 2024
    • Reviewed by the Governance Council: December 6, 2023
    • Reviewed by UMCC: November 21, 2023
    • Reviewed by the Executive Leadership Team: November 15, 2023
    • Approved: April 28, 2021
    • Campus Review: April 13-27, 2021
    • Reviewed by the Governance Council: April 7, 2021
    • Reviewed by UMCC: March 16, 2021
    • Reviewed by the Executive Leadership Team: March 10, 2021
    • (Replaces Policies 500 – 502.5, Approved: July, 2009)
    • Approved: February 23, 2009
    • Campus Review: February 1-22, 2009
    • Reviewed by the Executive Leadership Team: 2008


Resource/Reference/Procedure Title Unit Responsibility
WAC 132M-126 Code of Student Conduct VP Student Services
Informed Acknowledgment of and Consent to Trip Hazards and Risk Form   VP Student Services 
Procedure 420.6A Field Trip Procedure  VP Student Services 

Contact the President's Office

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  Hannah Palenske

  (360) 442-2100

Institutional Assistance

  Wendy Hall

  (360) 442-2491

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  Administration Building (ADM)

  Mon - Fri: 8 am - 5 pm
Closed on Fridays during summer session