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No Allied Health Courses were found matching your search.
Course meets distribution credits as a restricted elective.
This course is offered winter quarter.
This course is offered spring quarter.
Provides introductory content on the communication process in health care settings. Introduces principles of communication, therapeutic communication skills, barriers to effective communication, and principles of verbal and written reporting in health care. Explores communication with clients who have complex needs, conflict resolution, team work, health care informatics, and cultural competency in health care. Techniques for acquiring employment will be discussed, and internet websites will be evaluated for credibility.
Prerequisite: ENGL 099 with a grade of C or higher (or ENGL& 101 placement), or instructor permission.
Course meets distribution credits as a restricted elective.
Prepares participants to assist an individual who may be developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. Includes risk factors and warning signs of mental health problems. Provides information on depression, anxiety, trauma, psychosis, and addiction. Presents a 5-step action plan for assisting an individual with a mental health problem or crisis. Discusses identification and utilization of resources. Content is based on the National Council for Behavioral Mental Health First Aid USA training program. Upon successful completion of the course, certification in Mental Health First Aid is awarded.
Prerequisites: None
Course meets distribution credits as a restricted elective.
Prepares participants to assist an individual who may be developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. Includes risk factors and warning signs of mental health problems. Provides information on depression, anxiety, trauma, psychosis, and addiction. Presents a 5-step action plan for assisting an individual with a mental health problem or crisis. Discusses identification and utilization of resources. Content is based on the National Council for Behavioral Mental Health First Aid USA training program. Upon successful completion of the course, certification in Mental Health First Aid is awarded.
Prerequisites: None
Provides work-based learning experience in a specific program of study. Individualized student outcomes are developed, focusing on behaviors that contribute to workplace success.
Prerequisites: Instructor or Cooperative Education Coordinator permission Concurrent requirements: COLL 289 or BUS 294 must be taken prior to or concurrent with this course.
Offers individualized learning opportunities for knowledge or skill development. Content and expectations are established between the student and instructor, and documented in an Independent Study contract.
Prerequisites: By instructor permission only.