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No College Success Courses were found matching your search.
Course meets distribution credits as a restricted elective.
This course is offered summer quarter.
This course is offered fall quarter.
This course is offered winter quarter.
This course is offered spring quarter.
Explores foundational issues for success in college, including an introduction to campus resources, college culture, and digital communication skills. Develops behaviors and attitudes characteristic of successful students; develops basic reading, study, and test-taking strategies; and creates a plan for success during the next quarter and beyond. Identifies and assesses individual strengths, skills, and characteristics in order to create personal, academic, and career goals; explore and research possible career pathways to achieve goals. Lab hours are required for this course.
Prerequisites: None Corequisites: None
Course meets distribution credits as a restricted elective.
This course is offered winter quarter.
Provides opportunities for the improvement of written and oral communication skills. Integrates international students into service learning projects that teach about American culture, skills for future careers, and to build relationships. Requires students to devise a plan for service learning project, set goals for the project and measure overall success. Develops relationships with community partners and helps students learn about accountability and about life in America.This course will be required for all international students as they enter Lower Columbia College or upon successful completion of all IESL courses. Lab hours are required for this course.
Prerequisites: Instructor permission.
Course meets distribution credits as a restricted elective.
This course is offered spring quarter.
Supports students in preparing for the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS), which is a requirement for the application to the Nursing Program at Lower Columbia College. Reviews TEAS academic skills for reading, math, science, and English language usage. Suggests effective study skills and strategies, including time management, cognitive learning process, stress and its effect on memory, test anxiety, and test-taking strategies. Provides information about TEAS testing at the LCC Testing Center. Lab hours are required for this course.
Prerequisites: None
Provides work-based learning experience in a specific program of study. Individualized student outcomes are developed, focusing on behaviors that contribute to workplace success.
Prerequisites: Instructor or Cooperative Education Coordinator permission Concurrent requirements: COLL 289 or BUS 294 must be taken prior to or concurrent with this course.
Course meets distribution credits as a restricted elective.
Provides students with skills and tools necessary to apply for employment. Seminar topics include but are not limited to employment portfolio, preparing for job interviews, and use of resources in the LCC Career and Employment Center.
Prerequisites: None
This course is offered summer quarter.
This course is offered fall quarter.
This course is offered winter quarter.
This course is offered spring quarter.
Emphasizes the attributes of a successful math student by providing strategies for time-management, note-taking, problem solving, and overcoming math and test-taking anxiety. Explores learning styles and positive growth mindset. Students will develop study skills necessary to be successful in math courses.
Prerequisites: None