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No Drama Courses were found matching your search.
Course meets distribution credit in Humanities.
This course is offered fall quarter.
This course is offered winter quarter.
This course is offered spring quarter.
Examines the nature and development of dramatic literature, theatre, and production elements. The roles of the various artists who create theater are explored, with an emphasis on interpretation and production of plays. Attendance at productions is required. This course is designed for general college students and/or theater majors, is transferable, and fulfills the requirements of the AA-DTA Humanities distribution list.
Prerequisite: None.
Course meets distribution credit in Humanities.
Course meets distribution credits as a performance based course.
A beginning acting course involving movement, voice production, improvisation, and scene work. Group work is used to allow each student to be comfortable in interactions with other people. Students are not required to be in the current Center Stage production. No prior acting is required. (Formerly known as DRAM 106)
Prerequisite: None
Course meets distribution credit in Humanities.
Course meets distribution credits as a performance based course.
A beginning acting course involving movement, voice production, improvisation, and scene work. Group work is used to allow each student to be comfortable in interactions with other people. Students are not required to be in the current Center Stage production. No prior acting is required.
Prerequisite: None
Course meets distribution credit in Humanities.
Course meets distribution credits as a performance based course.
A beginning acting course involving movement, voice production, improvisation, and scene work. Group work is used to allow each student to be comfortable in interactions with other people. Students are not required to be in the current Center Stage production. No prior acting is required.
Prerequisite: None
Teaches technical areas involved in producing a play through lecture and application of skills learned in selected technical areas from design to construction to production. Practical experience is gained in sets, costumes, lights, and by serving on stage crew for the current Center Stage production.
Prerequisite: None
Teaches technical areas involved in producing a play through lecture and application of skills learned in selected technical areas from design to construction to production. Practical experience is gained in sets, costumes, lights, and by serving on stage crew for the current Center Stage production.
Prerequisite: None
Teaches technical areas involved in producing a play through lecture and application of skills learned in selected technical areas from design to construction to production. Practical experience is gained in sets, costumes, lights, and by serving on stage crew for the current Center Stage production. Each course (DRMA 116, 117, 118) may be taken separately or in sequence; together they complete a basic study of technical theatre. Center Stage production for the quarter is used to apply technical aspects of stagecrafts to the play. Serving on the stage crew for the production is required.
Prerequisite: None
Introduces set, costume and light design,using the current production as the basis for exploring technology in the theatre. Current theatre practices using computer programs for each discipline in both analog and digital format are applied. Included are computer assisted set, and light and sound production in both analog and digital formats. Computer programs include Vector works, Adobe Soundbooth, Sketch Up Pro, and Show Cue System. Practical experience is gained through application of principles learned by using theatre facilities of Center Stage and the Wollenberg Concert Hall and by serving on stage crew for the current Center Stage production.
Prerequisite: None
Introduces audition techniques through preparation, performance and workshops of monologues and musical theatre repertoire. Focuses on interpretation, stage presence, performance etiquette and repertoire selection. Additionally, this course will cultivate successful audition techniques and create a market audition package including, headshot, resume, and portfolio.
Prerequisite: None
Credit and experience for students who participate in the Center Stage production for the quarter. This includes actors, directors, designers, technicians, and support personnel. Students must successfully complete the rehearsal process through the final performance.
Prerequisite: None
Credit and experience for students who participate in the Center Stage production for the quarter. This includes actors, directors, designers, technicians, and support personnel. Students must successfully complete the rehearsal process through the final performance.
Prerequisite: None
Credit and experience for students who participate in the Center Stage production for the quarter. This includes actors, directors, designers, technicians, and support personnel. Students must successfully complete the rehearsal process through the final performance.
Prerequisite: None
Emphasizes development and application of acting concepts used in creating a role. Includes voice, physical movement, audition techniques, styles and periods of acting. Designed for the advanced acting student. Students are not required to be in the current Center Stage production.
Prerequisite: None
Emphasizes development and application of acting concepts used in creating a role. Includes voice, physical movement, audition techniques, styles and periods of acting. Designed for the advanced acting student. Students are not required to be in the current Center Stage production.
Prerequisite: None
Emphasizes development and application of acting concepts used in creating a role. Includes voice, physical movement, audition techniques, styles and periods of acting. Designed for the advanced acting student. Students are not required to be in the current Center Stage production.
Prerequisite: None
Introduces masks as a component of actor training for use on the stage and for understanding various cultures throughout the world. The mask helps develop the ability to concentrate, diminish self-consciousness, center the body, expand the body awareness, and develop outward expressions through physicalization, improvisation and scene work.
Prerequisite: None
Provides work-based learning experience in a specific program of study. Individualized student outcomes are developed, focusing on behaviors that contribute to workplace success.
Prerequisites: Instructor or Cooperative Education Coordinator permission Concurrent requirements: COLL 289 or BUS 294 must be taken prior to or concurrent with this course.
Credit and experience for students who participate in the Center Stage production for the quarter. This includes actors, directors, designers, technicians, and support personnel. Students must successfully complete the rehearsal process through the final performance.
Prerequisite: None
Credit and experience for students who participate in the Center Stage production for the quarter. This includes actors, directors, designers, technicians, and support personnel. Students must successfully complete the rehearsal process through the final performance.
Prerequisite: None.
Credit and experience for students who participate in the Center Stage production for the quarter. This includes actors, directors, designers, technicians, and support personnel. Students must successfully complete the rehearsal process through the final performance.
Prerequisite: None
Offers individualized learning opportunities for knowledge or skill development. Content and expectations are established between the student and instructor, and documented in an Independent Study contract.
Prerequisites: By instructor permission only.