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Course meets distribution credits as a restricted elective.
This course is offered summer quarter.
This course is offered fall quarter.
This course is offered winter quarter.
This course is offered spring quarter.
Introduces fundamental concepts and practices related to safety and hygiene in the work place, including bloodborne and airborne pathogens, and HIV/AIDS awareness and risk reducing behaviors, including for those who are chemically dependent. American Heart Association First Aid/Basic Life Support(BLS) for Healthcare Provider training is included. Students are issued AHA First Aid/BLS Health Care Provider cards upon completion.
Prerequisite: None
Course meets distribution credits as a restricted elective.
This course is offered fall quarter.
This course is offered winter quarter.
Instructs students in First Aid and adult, child and infant CPR through the American heart Association for healthcare providers including AED training. Students will receive first aid and CPR certification with completion of this course. This course will also cover bloodborne pathogen training, which students will also receive certification in with the completion of the course.
Prerequisite: None
Course meets distribution credits as an elective.
This course is offered fall quarter.
This course is offered winter quarter.
This course is offered spring quarter.
Analyzes a vast array of information on the dangers of risky health behaviors and the benefits of healthy decisions as it affects one's life. Emphasis will be on personal decision-making and positive behavioral changes toward the goal of wellness as a lifestyle.
Prerequisite: None
Course meets distribution credits as a restricted elective.
Discusses a wide variety of major health topics. Students will look at the health topics from a personal perspective and will identify ways to enhance their own personal health and wellness. Topics may include but are not limited to: nutrition, fitness, cancer, cardiovascular disease, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, stress, relationships, psychological health, environmental health, pregnancy and childbirth, and weight management.
Prerequisite: None
Course meets distribution credits as an elective.
Explores two components of a healthy lifestyle; nutrition and exercise. Introduces basic concepts of nutrition and healthy dietary choices. Provides information necessary for developing a safe, well-rounded exercise program.
Prerequisites: None
Course meets distribution credits as an elective.
This course is offered winter quarter.
Explores the relationship between exercise, physical health and mental health. Covers exercise and mood, personality traits, nutrition behavior, and group dynamics. Includes application of practical skills related to working with others to promote exercise adherence and health and exercise intervention.
Prerequisites: None
Provides work-based learning experience in a specific program of study. Individualized student outcomes are developed, focusing on behaviors that contribute to workplace success.
Prerequisites: Instructor or Cooperative Education Coordinator permission Concurrent requirements: COLL 289 or BUS 294 must be taken prior to or concurrent with this course.
Offers individualized learning opportunities for knowledge or skill development. Content and expectations are established between the student and instructor, and documented in an Independent Study contract.
Prerequisites: By instructor permission only.