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Course meets distribution credits as a restricted elective.
Introduces students to the basic principles of information research. Emphasis is placed on the process of locating and evaluating information in both print and online formats. Includes basic introduction to searching the Internet, online databases, online library catalogs, and the use of various tools to access information. An annotated bibliography will be developed in an academic area of the students' choice. This course is especially helpful to those enrolled in classes with a required research paper.
Prerequisite: None.
Course meets distribution credits as a restricted elective.
Reinforces basic research skills, strategies, and tools of information. Develops an understanding of the entire research process, from identifying topics to creating an annotated bibliography. Topics include narrowing and refining electronic searches, finding access to many types of resources, and evaluating popular and scholarly sources using a variety of criteria. Avoidance of plagiarism and correct documentation will be emphasized. Lab hours are required for this course.
Prerequisite: None
Course meets distribution credits as a restricted elective.
Guides students through the process of designing and completing a complex research assignment. Emphasis will be placed on evaluating information, including assessing the differences between databases and applying a rubric of information evaluation. Additional topics addressed include proper usage of quotations, citation styles, and annotated bibliographies. Part 1 includes refining a research topic, finding sources, and identifying and avoiding plagiarism. Part 2 focuses on evaluation and annotation of sources and reflection on the research project. Lab hours are required for this course.
Prerequisite: None
Provides work-based learning experience in a specific program of study. Individualized student outcomes are developed, focusing on behaviors that contribute to workplace success.
Prerequisites: Instructor or Cooperative Education Coordinator permission Concurrent requirements: COLL 289 or BUS 294 must be taken prior to or concurrent with this course.
Offers individualized learning opportunities for knowledge or skill development. Content and expectations are established between the student and instructor, and documented in an Independent Study contract.
Prerequisites: By instructor permission only.
Course meets distribution credits as a restricted elective.
Introduces students to the basic skills, strategies, and tools of information research. Emphasis is placed on the process of identifying information needs, selecting appropriate sources, and evaluating information for accuracy. Students will gain competency in using traditional resources, e.g., the library catalog, and also explore electronic resources such as databases and Internet search engines. Lab hours are required for this course.
Prerequisite: None