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No Math Courses were found matching your search.
Course meets distribution credit in Natural Sciences.
This course is offered summer quarter.
This course is offered fall quarter.
This course is offered winter quarter.
This course is offered spring quarter.
Functions as a terminal course in mathematics for students whose major does not require further mathematics. The core topics of this course are logic, probability and statistics. Additional topics will be selected by the instructor. These topics could include geometry, number systems, linear programming, set theory, number theory, functions, graph theory, topology, etc.
Prerequisites: C or better in MATH 97 or MATH 98 or B or better in CCP 97 or CCP 98 C or better in BUS 104 or MATH 106
Course meets distribution credits as an elective.
Course meets distribution credit in Natural Sciences.
This course is offered fall quarter.
This course is offered winter quarter.
Strengthens students' understanding of problem solving, operations on whole numbers, decimals and fractions, and number theory. First of a two-part series. Lab hours are required for this course.
Prerequisites: C or better in MATH 97 or MATH 98 OR B or better in CCP 97 or CCP 98
Course meets distribution credit in Natural Sciences.
This course is offered winter quarter.
This course is offered spring quarter.
Strengthens students' understanding of the real number system, probability and statistics, geometry, measurement, functions and graphs. Second of two-part series. Lab hours are required for this course.
Prerequisites: MATH& 131 (was MATH 121) with a grade of C or better.
Course meets distribution credit in Natural Sciences.
This course is offered summer quarter.
This course is offered fall quarter.
This course is offered winter quarter.
This course is offered spring quarter.
Reviews basic algebraic operations, equations, inequalities, and operations on functions. Provides the algebraic tools needed to analyze and graph polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions. This is the first course in a two course sequence designed to prepare students for Calculus and future STEM coursework. Lab hours are required for this course.
Prerequisites: C or better in MATH 098, B or better in CCP 098, or placement
Course meets distribution credit in Natural Sciences.
This course is offered summer quarter.
This course is offered fall quarter.
This course is offered winter quarter.
This course is offered spring quarter.
Covers concepts, properties, and algebra of trigonometric functions, including their graphs, inverses, law of sines and cosines, identities, and equations. Introduces polar coordinates, vector operations, and the concept of a limit. This is the second course in a two course sequence designed to prepare students for Calculus and future STEM coursework.
Prerequisites: C or better in MATH 141 or placement Co-requisite: None
Course meets distribution credits as an elective.
Course meets distribution credit in Natural Sciences.
This course is offered summer quarter.
This course is offered fall quarter.
This course is offered winter quarter.
This course is offered spring quarter.
Introduces descriptive statistics, probability, and inferential statistical methods. Topics include probability distributions, sampling techniques, measures of central tendency and dispersion, correlation, regression, and statistical inference.
Prerequisites: Minimum grade of 'C' in either MATH 97, MATH 98, or MATH 105; Minimum grade of 'B' in CCP 97 or CCP 98
Course meets distribution credit in Natural Sciences.
This course is offered winter quarter.
This course is offered spring quarter.
Introduces calculus concepts needed by students of management, social science or biology, or can serve as a survey course for liberal arts majors. Course covers sets, systems of numbers, relations and functions, limits, differentiation and integration, including the definite integral, exponential and logarithmic functions and applications from various fields.
Prerequisite: MATH 125 OR MATH& 141 with a grade of C or better.
Course meets distribution credits as an elective.
Course meets distribution credit in Natural Sciences.
This course is offered fall quarter.
This course is offered winter quarter.
Investigates the ideas of continuity and limit, introduces the derivative as a limit, practices techniques for computing derivatives of functions, discusses the mean value theorem and its significance, utilizes these concepts to solve problems involving related rates and extreme values.
Prerequisites: MATH& 142 with a grade of C or better.
Course meets distribution credit in Natural Sciences.
This course is offered winter quarter.
This course is offered spring quarter.
Introduces techniques of antidifferentiation of functions including trigonometric, logarithmic, exponential, and hyperbolic functions. Applies the concept of the definite integral to solve problems involving force, work, volume, surface area, business and economics.
Prerequisite: MATH& 151 with a grade of C or better.
Course meets distribution credit in Natural Sciences.
This course is offered summer quarter.
This course is offered spring quarter.
Focuses on infinite series, vector calculus and their applications. Incorporates the use of polar, cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems in applications of the calculus.
Prerequisite: MATH& 152 with a grade of C or better.
Course meets distribution credit in Natural Sciences.
This course is offered fall quarter.
Continuation of Calculus III. Topics include partial derivitatives, multiple integrals, and vector calculus.
Prerequisites: MATH& 153 with a grade of C or better.
Course meets distribution credits as a restricted elective.
This course is offered winter quarter.
This course is offered spring quarter.
Reviews basic arithmetic skills including whole numbers, decimal numbers, fractions and percentages. Covers problem solving in the context of health sciences, which involves using formulas, solving and graphing linear equations, conversion between the metric and household systems of measurement as well as calculations needed to determine dosages. Discusses various tools and measurements used in statistics, including charts, graphs, tables, and correlation.
Prerequisites: MATH 79, 'C' or better.
Course meets distribution credits as a restricted elective.
This course is offered fall quarter.
This course is offered winter quarter.
This course is offered spring quarter.
Emphasizes basic skills in applied mathematics designed to support students entering the vocational/technical work force of tomorrow. The focus is real world problem solving and numerical literacy that students carry to their specific careers. Although the use of math in the workplace is primary, emphasis is given to the critical and creative thinking process as students look to strengthen their use of arithmetic concepts, measurements, practical geometry, basic algebra and right angle trigonometry.
Prerequisite: C or better in MATH 079, B or better in CCP 79, or placement
Course meets distribution credit in Natural Sciences.
This course is offered fall quarter.
This course is offered winter quarter.
Covers equations and inequalities; systems of equations and inequalities; graphing linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions; matrix operations; linear programming and simplex method; and mathematics of finance. Lab hours are required for this course.
Prerequisites: C or better in MATH 98 OR B or better in CCP 98 OR appropriate placement test score.
Course meets distribution credits as an elective.
Course meets distribution credit in Natural Sciences.
This course is offered winter quarter.
Acquaints students with mathematical concepts used in computer science. Topics may include logic, induction, combinatorics, recursion, analysis of algorithms and graph theory.
Prerequisite: MATH& 142 with a grade of C or better.
Course meets distribution credit in Natural Sciences.
This course is offered spring quarter.
Presents the theory and properties of matrices, determinants and linear transformations. Introduces vector space and the Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization process. Deals with the calculation and application of eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
Prerequisite: MATH& 152 with a grade of C or better
Course meets distribution credit in Natural Sciences.
This course is offered winter quarter.
Introduces techniques of solving ordinary differential equations including the elementary methods used for first order differential equations, method of undetermined coefficients and variation of parameters for higher order equations. Includes techniques of solving systems of differential equations, the method of La Place transforms and series solutions to differential equations. This may be offered as a Capstone course.
Prerequisite: MATH& 254, "C" or better.
Course meets distribution credits as an elective.
Course meets distribution credit in Natural Sciences.
This course is offered fall quarter.
This course is offered spring quarter.
Covers collecting and summarizing data, probability distributions, confidence intervals, testing hypotheses for one and two samples, chi-square tests, ANOVA, and regression. Emphasis will be placed on data analysis through spreadsheet applications.
Prerequisites: MATH 125 or MATH& 141 with a grade of C or better or placement.
This course is offered fall quarter.
This course is offered winter quarter.
This course is offered spring quarter.
Provides work-based learning experience in a specific program of study. Individualized student outcomes are developed, focusing on behaviors that contribute to workplace success.
Prerequisites: Instructor or Cooperative Education Coordinator permission Concurrent requirements: COLL 289 or BUS 294 must be taken prior to or concurrent with this course.
Offers individualized learning opportunities for knowledge or skill development. Content and expectations are established between the student and instructor, and documented in an Independent Study contract.
Prerequisites: By instructor permission only.
This course is offered summer quarter.
This course is offered fall quarter.
This course is offered winter quarter.
This course is offered spring quarter.
Covers operations on the real numbers (fractions, decimals, integers, etc.) and introduces the concepts of ratios, proportions, and percents with an emphasis on contextual learning. This is the first 3 credits of a 6 credit course designed to prepare students for either a non-STEM pathway or an algebra intensive pathway. Lab hours are required for this course.
Prerequisites: B or higher in CCP 32 Math Level B or placement test
This course is offered summer quarter.
This course is offered fall quarter.
This course is offered winter quarter.
This course is offered spring quarter.
Covers operations on and applications of ratios, proportions, and percents. Also includes topics in geometry and measurement with an introduction to algebraic expressions. Emphasis is placed on contextual learning. This is the second 3 credits of a 6 credit course designed to prepare students for either a non-STEM pathway or an algebra intensive pathway. Lab hours are required for this course.
Prerequisites: C or better in MATH 078 or placement test
This course is offered fall quarter.
This course is offered winter quarter.
This course is offered spring quarter.
Provides an introduction to algebraic concepts such as algebraic expressions, linear equations, and linear functions with an emphasis on contextual learning. This is the first 3 credits of a 6 credit course designed for students who are not planning on taking a course in calculus. Lab hours are required for this course.
Prerequisites: C or better in MATH 79 or B or better in CCP 79, Placement Exam, or Instructor Permission
This course is offered summer quarter.
This course is offered fall quarter.
This course is offered winter quarter.
This course is offered spring quarter.
Covers solving linear equations and inequalities, an introduction to graphing, and solving systems of linear equations. Techniques and strategies for problem solving are emphasized. This is the first 3 credits of a 6 credit course designed to prepare students for algebra intensive college-level math pathways. Lab hours are required for this course.
Prerequisite: C or better in MATH 79, B or better in CCP 79, or placement Co-requisite: None
This course is offered fall quarter.
This course is offered winter quarter.
This course is offered spring quarter.
Provides further exploration of algebraic concepts such as linear equations, exponential functions, and an introduction to statistical concepts with an emphasis on contextual learning. This is the last 3 credits of a 6 credit course designed for students who are not planning on taking a course in calculus. Lab hours are required for this course.
Prerequisites: C or better in MATH 087 or MATH 089
This course is offered summer quarter.
This course is offered fall quarter.
This course is offered winter quarter.
This course is offered spring quarter.
Covers factoring, operations on polynomials and radicals, and an introduction to exponential, logarithmic, and quadratic functions. Techniques and strategies for problem solving are emphasized. This is the second 3 credits of a 6 credit course designed to prepare students for algebra intensive college-level math pathways. Lab hours are required for this course.
Prerequisites: C or better in MATH 88, C or better in MATH 87, B or better in CCP 88, or placement Co-requisite: None