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No Spanish Courses were found matching your search.
Course meets distribution credits as a diversity.
Course meets distribution credit in Humanities.
This course is offered summer quarter.
This course is offered fall quarter.
This course is offered winter quarter.
This course is offered spring quarter.
Introduces Spanish, emphasizing basic vocabulary and points of language. Aiming at self-expression and literacy, this course engages students in reading, writing, listening, and speaking in the target language. Students will also acquire knowledge of the diverse social, ethnic, and cultural groups that use the language and observe how artistic expression reflects the diversity of cultural values.
Prerequisites: None
Course meets distribution credits as a diversity.
Course meets distribution credit in Humanities.
This course is offered summer quarter.
This course is offered fall quarter.
This course is offered winter quarter.
This course is offered spring quarter.
Provides continuation of basic principles offered in SPAN& 121, accumulates vocabulary, reinforces basic grammar, and increases fluency. Aiming at self-expression and literacy, this course engages students in reading, writing, listening, and speaking in the target language. Students will also acquire knowledge of the diverse social, ethnic, and cultural groups that use the language and observe how artistic expression reflects the diversity of cultural values.
Prerequisites: SPAN& 121 with a grade of C or better or two years of high school Spanish.
Course meets distribution credits as a diversity.
Course meets distribution credit in Humanities.
This course is offered summer quarter.
This course is offered fall quarter.
This course is offered winter quarter.
This course is offered spring quarter.
Provides further development of basic skills, accumulates vocabulary, reinforces basic grammar, introduces new grammatical principles, and increases fluency. Aiming at self-expression and literacy, this course engages students in reading, writing, listening, and speaking in the target language. Students will also acquire knowledge of the diverse social, ethnic, and cultural groups that use the language and observe how artistic expression reflects the diversity of cultural values.
Prerequisites: SPAN& 122 with a grade of C or better or three years of high school Spanish.
Course meets distribution credit in Humanities.
This course is offered summer quarter.
This course is offered fall quarter.
This course is offered winter quarter.
This course is offered spring quarter.
Provides an intensive review of vocabulary and basic points of language included in the first year, introduces new points, develops communication problem solving skills, and builds an extensive vocabulary pertinent to contemporary social and cultural issues.(Formerly known as SPAN 201)
Prerequisite: For enrollment in second-year Spanish courses, students must complete first-year college level Spanish.
Course meets distribution credit in Humanities.
This course is offered summer quarter.
This course is offered fall quarter.
This course is offered winter quarter.
This course is offered spring quarter.
Continues to build communication skills, accumulate vocabulary, and increase fluency, with added emphasis on literacy. (Formerly known as SPAN 202)
Prerequisite: SPAN& 221 (was SPAN 201) or equivalent.
Course meets distribution credit in Humanities.
This course is offered summer quarter.
This course is offered fall quarter.
This course is offered winter quarter.
This course is offered spring quarter.
Continues to build communication skills, accumulate vocabulary, and increase fluency, with added emphasis on literacy. (Formerly known as SPAN 203)
Prerequisite: SPAN& 222 (was SPAN 202) or equivalent.
Introduces Spanish, presenting realistic situations and specialized vocabulary needed for basic communication with Spanish speakers in the workplace. Personalized questions, grammar exercises, dialog activities, and role-playing provide students with numerous opportunities to apply points of language in a wide variety of practical contexts. Within any of the vocabulary-specific domains, students will advance from one level to the next in sequence (SPAN 105, 106, and 107).
Prerequisite: None
Builds vocabulary and introduces more complex points of language, including idioms, grammar, and, especially, pronunciation. Provides additional opportunities for telephone and face-to-face communication in workplace settings. Within any of the vocabulary-specific domains, students will advance from one level to the next in sequence (SPAN 105, 106, and 107).
Prerequisite: SPAN 104 or equivalent
Accumulates vocabulary and introduces additional verb forms and pronoun usage, which are essential to clear oral communication. Enables further telephone and face-to-face communication with clients and co-workers whose principle language is Spanish. Within any of the vocabulary-specific domains, students will advance from one level to the next in sequence (SPAN 105, 106, and 107).
Prerequisite: SPAN 105 or equivalent
Increases fluency, concentrating on effective communication (listening and speaking), self- expression, and literacy. Within a particular domain, students will learn to interact with clients and co-workers whose principal language is Spanish. Within any of the vocabulary-specific domains, students will advance from one level to the next in sequence (SPAN 105, 106, and 107).
Prerequisite: SPAN 106
This course is offered fall quarter.
This course is offered winter quarter.
Provides work-based learning experience in a specific program of study. Individualized student outcomes are developed, focusing on behaviors that contribute to workplace success.
Prerequisites: Instructor or Cooperative Education Coordinator permission Concurrent requirements: COLL 289 or BUS 294 must be taken prior to or concurrent with this course.
Offers individualized learning opportunities for knowledge or skill development. Content and expectations are established between the student and instructor, and documented in an Independent Study contract.
Prerequisites: By instructor permission only.
Enables understanding of verb conjugation in the present tense in Spanish. Presents minimal vocabulary and does not concern oral proficiency. While this course is self-directed, students may be assisted by a tutor or an instructor. Graded on a credit/no credit basis. (Formerly known as INDV 097.) Lab hours are required for this course.
Prerequisite: None
Enables understanding of nouns and modifiers in Spanish. Presents minimal vocabulary and does not concern oral proficiency. While this course is self-directed, students may be assisted by a tutor or an instructor. Graded on a credit/no credit basis. (Formerly known as INDV 098.) Lab hours are required for this course.
Prerequisite: None