
Associate in Biology DTA/MRP


About the Program

This pathway is applicable to students planning to prepare for upper division Bachelor's degree majors in Biology, including the medical field. This Biology MRP streamlines and facilitates preparation for upper division coursework in Biology across the state. Students planning a career in medicine, medical technology, dentistry, chiropracty, pharmacy, physical therapy or veterinary can begin their studies at LCC and gain a solid foundation in the basic sciences required in those fields.

Careers in medical professions require several years of advanced study. Medical coursework is rigorous and entry into professional schools is very competitive. A number of medical schools require a foreign language.

For a roadmap that identifies the preferred sequencing of courses and other specific recommendations from faculty, please see the corresponding program map(s):

Degree Requirements

Total credits required to earn this degree: 90

LCC students must meet distribution requirements for associate degrees and specific certificates. See Diversity and Distribution Lists for more information.

General Education Requirements

Program Outcomes

Students completing this program should acquire the following skills and abilities:

Core Competencies*

  • Apply the scientific method of problem solving.
  • Use quantitative reasoning to interpret data
  • Demonstrate critical thinking.
  • Express ideas and information in writing in a format that is clear and appropriate to both scientific and non-scientific audiences.
  • Evaluate and explain the relationship between science and society.

Core Concepts*

  • Apply the concepts of evolution to the diversity and adaptation of living organisms.
  • Explain how matter and energy are stored and transformed by living systems.
  • Explain how information is stored, copied, transferred, and expressed in biological systems.
  • Describe the structure and function of biological components at various levels.
  • Describe the significance of systems in maintaining life.

*Vision and Change: A Call to Action, AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) with support from NSF (National Science Foundation)


Revised May 2021 (effective Summer 2021)

*It is recommended that sequence courses be completed at one institution.

Program planning is based on information available at the time of preparation. It is the student’s responsibility to meet with their LCC advisor and with an advisor at the college to which they plan to transfer for specific requirements. Consult the LCC catalog for LCC graduation requirements. Most four-year universities require one year of a single foreign language as a graduation requirement.

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