What is Suspenders4Hope™?
Suspenders4Hope™, developed at Wichita State University, is a comprehensive, strategic program to promote mental health wellness, prevent suicide, and reduce substance misuse through real stories of hope, help-seeking, and resiliency.
The program aims to increase connections and end the stigma surrounding mental health. Suspenders4Hope™ is the symbol for mental health awareness. It represents community support and connection.
Participate in Prevention Training
Suicide prevention training is offered in person and online. The training takes approximately 90 minutes to complete.
Take an in-person (invites sent out quarterly) or a free online #WeSupportU Preventing Suicide Training training on the Suspenders4Hope™ Preventing Suicide Training website (or use the QR code).
Follow these steps to access the training:
- Scroll down on the link above and select "Create an Account"
- Create your free account and log in using your credentials
- Select the Free LCC #WeSupportU Mental Wellness and Preventing Suicide course to complete
Become a Suspenders4Hope Mental Health Advocate
- Complete the free #WeSupportU Preventing Suicide Training and submit your certificate of completion to counseling@lowercolumbia.edu and request a free Suspenders4Hope™ t-shirt
- Meet with a Suspenders4Hope™ counselor for a brief orientation (15 minutes)
- Utilize #WeSupportU Mental Wellness cards in the classroom or workplace (provided at orientation)
- Be visible, vocal, and vulnerable by sharing your story
- Check-in with students and encourage them to check on one another
- Wear your Suspenders4Hope™ t-shirt (approximately quarterly and on designated days)
If a student is in distress, engage in Share, Ask, Support interventions. If a student is in crisis, refer them to Counseling Services, local and national resources (Cowlitz County 24-Hour Crisis 360.425.6024), or call 9-8-8 or 9-1-1.
Building a Community of Support
If you are concerned about someone around you, just remember to Share, Ask, Support.
If you think someone is struggling, SHARE your concern, ask them to SHARE. Let them know you want to hear their story. Listen and try to understand what they are going through.
If you hear any signs of suicide, ASK about suicide. Be specific - tell them exactly why you are asking. Be direct - say the words: “suicide” or “killing yourself.”
SUPPORT them by helping them get access to resources and by staying in touch.
Tips for Leaders to Promote Mental Wellness in the Workplace
It’s essential for individuals in leadership positions to normalize mental health and model healthy self-care habits. Suspenders4Hope™ encourages leaders of all organizations to create communities of support for mental wellness with these simple strategies.
- Utilize #WeSupportU Mental Wellness in the Workplace Cards during trainings, team building activities and staff meetings.
- Encourage participation in the Suspenders4Hope™ Preventing Suicide Training and include it in new employee orientation. Set and track goals for attendance.
- Be visible, vocal and vulnerable with your own mental health experience.
- Identify champions for the cause within your university.
- Be familiar with workplace and community resources for mental health crises.
- Ensure team members are aware of workplace and community resources.
- Check in on teammates and support those who need help.
- Schedule Suspenders4HopeTM days to wear Suspenders4Hope™ shirts in support of mental wellness.
- Engage online with @Suspenders4Hope™ and use #WeSupportU to share your own messages of hope on your professional pages.
- Make social media posts related to mental wellness. Track engagement and other key online metrics.
More Questions? Connect with a Counselor:
Emme McCarthy
Mental Health Counselor
(360) 442-2343
Contact Red Devil Wellbeing
Faculty & Staff Wellness
Jennifer Lucas - Talent Acquisition