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Jennifer Lucas - Talent Acquisition
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Lower Columbia College (LCC) is required by the federal Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989 (Public Law 101-226) to provide students and employees with information about the policies and resources of the College regarding alcohol and drugs. LCC students and employees are also subject to federal and Washington State laws.
The information provided here is intended to help you understand the health risks associated with drug and alcohol use, and encourage you to make informed decisions.
The impaired judgment and coordination resulting from the use of drugs are associated with DUI/DWI arrests, falls, drowning and other injuries, acquaintance assault and rape, the contraction of sexually transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDS and unwanted or unplanned sexual experiences and pregnancy.
Each employee is expected to report to work in an appropriate mental and physical condition to perform his or her assigned duties. Administrative Policy 240 is the essential employee resource for understanding LCC's rules about staying drug-free and safe on the job. Employees engaging in prohibited activities will be subject to disciplinary action, pursuant to applicable rules, regulations and employment contracts, which may result in suspension or termination.
The College recognizes drug dependency and/or drug use to be an illness and a major health, safety and security concern. The Washington State Employee Assistance Program is a no-cost resource for LCC employees experiencing work-related or personal problems, including drug and/or alcohol addiction.
Local counseling, treatment and rehabilitation service providers include:
Employees taking physician-prescribed or over-the-counter medications, if there is a substantial likelihood that such medication will affect job safety, must notify their supervisor or Human Resources of the fact that they are taking a medication and the side effects of the medication.
The Student Handbook contains important information for students about no-cost on-campus resources, conduct expectations, and more!
Don't be caught unaware! The consequences of violating laws pertaining to drug and alcohol use and possession can include losing your license, fines and even incarceration.
The Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board website ( contains detailed information about drug and alcohol laws. Extensive resources for students and parents are also available through this site.
The Washington State Department of Licensing website ( contains detailed information about DUI (Driving Under the Influence) laws, including definitions and related sanctions.
In some cases, federal laws may apply in addition to state laws. For more information about federal drug trafficking penalties, please see the Drug Enforcement Administration website at