Because you deserve to feel safe
At Lower Columbia College we value and respect each other. We also uphold high standards of conduct with regard to academic honesty, fair and equitable treatment, and safety.
If you observe or experience harassment or discrimination, bias, or other misconduct, please 'Make a Report' using the form below. Your report will route to the appropriate personnel, who will respond to your concerns in a timely and as private a manner as possible.
After you make a report, you may or may not be contacted. In some cases, privacy laws may prohibit the college from sharing information about specific actions taken. If you have questions about a report you've filed, please contact the Vice President of Student Services Office at (360) 442-2301.
Call 911, or 9-911 from a campus phone.
Call Safety & Security at (360) 442-2911, or 2911 from a campus phone.

Academic Dishonesty
Instances of dishonest behavior?
- cheating
- falsification
- plagiarism

Code of Student Conduct
Actions that violate school policy?
- theft
- vandalism
- hazing

Concerning or Threatening Behavior
Concerns about individual or campus safety?
- aggressive behavior
- distressed individual

Mistreatment based on protected class?
- race
- religion
- disability

Sex Discrimination
Unwanted or abusive behavior?
- domestic violence
- sexual harassment
- lack of consent

Near Miss, Injury, or Hazardous Condition
Accident, injury or near miss on campus?
- slip, trip, fall
- chemical spill or exposure
- vehicle accident
Not sure which form to use? No problem. Pick the one that closest fits your situation and we'll make sure it gets to the right people.
More Resources
Make a Report Contact
Sue Orchard, Vice President of Student Services
Admissions Center, Room 159
(360) 442-2301
Jason Arrowsmith, Director of Security
Admissions Center, Room 106
(360) 442-2270