Disability and Access Services (DAS) is committed to providing equal opportunity accommodations for visitors and qualified students with disabilities in accordance with:

Eligibility for Disability and Access Services

To be eligible, students must have a disability as defined by the above laws and show how the disability affects a major life function.

Student Rights and Responsibilities

As a student, I acknowledge I have the right to:

  • Request accommodations or chose not to request accommodations each quarter, (participation is voluntary).
  • Equal access to programs, activities, and services at Lower Columbia College.
  • Receive assistance from the DAS Office in the form of reasonable accommodations.
  • Appeal decisions regarding the determination of accommodations to the Section ADA/504 Coordinator:

Current Section 504/ADA Coordinator

 Kendra Sprague, Vice President of Foundation, HR & Legal Affairs
 Administration Building, Room 115
  (360) 442-2301

As a student, I acknowledge I am responsible for:

  • Self-identifying to the DAS Office.
  • Requesting assistance from the DAS Office.
  • Completing an Intake Interview with the DAS Director.
  • Providing formal, written documentation of my disability from a qualified professional, according to guidelines provided by DAS
  • Requesting services in a timely manner- 4-6 weeks prior to the beginning of EVERY quarter.
  • Requesting reasonable accommodations to DAS every quarter through a Quarterly Request form.
    • Every quarter a student is requesting academic accommodations from DAS, he/she needs to come to the DAS Office and complete a quarterly request form and attach a copy of his/her class schedule. In turn, DAS will provide Letters of Accommodation for the student to give to each of his/her instructors.
  • Pick up an Accommodation Summary to give instructors to sign and return to the DAS Office the first week of the quarter. This is a required part of getting DAS accommodations.
  • Inform DAS if I add, drop, or change a class during the quarter by submitting an updated copy of my schedule.
  • Inform DAS if I want to add, drop, or change an accommodation by submitting an updated Quarterly Request form..
  • Contact DAS in a timely manner when problems or questions arise about their accommodations or academic progress.
  • Meet the academic and conduct standards of LCC required for all students.

DAS Rights and Responsibilities

DAS has the right to:

  • Request current documentation that meets eligibility guidelines to verify the need for reasonable accommodations.
  • Select effective accommodations, or academic adjustments once consult with the students and on a case-by-case basis.
  • Refuse a request for accommodations if documentation is not valid or current.
  • Refuse to provide an accommodation that is inappropriate or unreasonable in such a manner as to:
    • Pose a direct threat to the health and safety of others,,
    • Constitute an alteration to an essential element of course or program,
    • Or pose an undue financial or administrative burden to Lower Columbia College.

DAS has the responsibility to:

  • Meet with a student and complete an Intake Interview, and identify reasonable accommodations.
  • Review and interpret documentation in order to determine student eligibility for services or reasonable accommodations.
  • Determine accommodation needs based on documentation on case by case basis.
  • Prepare an Accommodations Summary for each student to give to their instructors.
  • Coordinate accommodations between student and instructor.
  • Work with campus staff to assure accessible facilities, programs, and activities.
  • Answer questions students may encounter about DAS accommodations.

Deadline for Students to Request Accommodations

DAS will acknowledge requests throughout the quarter:

However, students are encouraged to contact the DAS Office early, preferably 4-6 weeks prior to the start of the quarter. Accommodation requests may take several weeks to implement. For example equipment, ergonomic equipment, ergonomic furniture, interpreters, alternate format, audio books, and braille books can take 6 and sometimes 8 weeks. (Equipment may need to be ordered, staff such as interpreters may need to be hired, and alternate format may need to be secured from publishers and created.)

The above responsibilities have been explained to me, and I understand my responsibilities.

Contact Disability and Access Services

Located in the Admissions Center, Room 143. Walk-ins welcome during business hours of Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 5:00pm, Friday 10:00am - 5:00pm  (Campus Closed on Fridays during Summer session).

Main Office

   (360) 442-2340
TTY/Video Relay Service: 7-1-1 or (800) 833-6388

  Sara Albright, Coordinator

  (360) 442-2340

  Mary Kate Morgan, Director

  (360) 442-2341

  Kendra Sprague, Vice President of Foundation, HR & Legal Affairs (Current Section 504 / ADA Coordinator)

  (360) 442-2121