Curriculum & Program Review Basics
Curriculum & Program Review Basics

Who is responsible for Curriculum & Program Review? 

All full-time faculty participate; oversight for the process comes from the faculty-led Instructional Assessment Committee with logistical and administrative support from Effectiveness & College Relations. The process applies to all degree/certificate programs and academic disciplines.

What is Curriculum & Program Review? 

A template developed by the Instructional Assessment Committee is used by everyone. Taken as a whole, the questions that make up the template provide a framework for faculty to regularly review and make improvements to their program and/or discipline.

The most important aspects of the process are:

  1. Ensuring that faculty have defined meaningful and measurable student learning outcomes for their program and/or discipline.
  2. Ensuring that faculty have a meaningful and sustainable method in place to collect data on student outcomes attainment that is distinct from student grading.
  3. Ensuring that faculty are engaged in meaningful and productive analysis of their data in order to make ongoing improvements to the curriculum.

When is the work supposed to take place? 

Faculty are expected to work on Curriculum and Program Review during designated instructional assessment days (indicated on the Instructional Calendar. It takes two years to work through a complete cycle. The Master Instructional Assessment Timeline indicates which section of the report needs to be completed in each academic term.

Where are the reports stored? 

The templates for each program and/or discipline are stored in a shared Google folder called "Curriculum & Program Review." All full-time faculty and instructional administrators have access to the folder. Contact Effectiveness & College Relations if you don't have access or need assistance. Many faculty have opted to store their information elsewhere, such as in an individual or departmental Google drive. You are responsible for posting a link in the shared folder to your report and/or data, if it's not stored in the folder. Also keep in mind that if you keep your materials outside the folder, you accept responsibility for updating the template in the event that any modifications are made.

How does the work happen? 

All faculty work on the same set of questions at the same time, but the similarities end there. Faculty are responsible for determining their own learning outcomes and methods for assessing them. It is very important that faculty address the outcomes listed on the Degree Requirements pages in the LCC Academic Catalog as part of the Curriculum and Program Review process. If the outcomes listed in the Degree Requirements aren't being addressed or aren't reflective of what's going on with the program or discipline, then the outcomes need to be updated.

Useful links: 

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